Monday, March 30, 2009
Bottom of the Marsworth Pair to the BW Bulbourne Junction.
Bottom of the Marsworth Pair to the BW Bulbourne Junction, 2 miles and 9 locks.
We set off at 9.05am on what has been a bright sunny day, after a heavy overnight frost. With there being no prospect of someone to share the locks and the workload with, we made our way up the Marsworth pair of locks first, before reaching Marsworth Junction, we were continuing on the main line, but do hope to go off down the Aylesbury Arm at some point. We made a stop off at the sanitary station to empty the toilet cassette, This area is also a BW maintenance yard. Having emptied the loo, we then had the prospect of carrying on up the Marsworth flight of locks. For a way the Marsworth Reservoir hugs the side of the canal, giving you some sublime views and lots of wildfowl. The Marsworth flight winds it's way up the canal and are really not to difficult to do. Keith and I have a pretty good system when working locks which are close together. I usually work one lock ahead, whilst Keith sits in a lock with Hadar whilst it is filling up with water. I usually walk on to the next one to set it ready. Once I have opened a gate, I then walk back to the previous lock and close the gates behind Hadar. It is one way of getting plenty of exercise, but it is also a really efficient way of working the locks when you have no other boat to share with. We arrived at Bulbourne Junction at 11.10am and moored up near the Wendover Arm. We took a walk up to the local garden centre, to look at their four wheel trolley, which we hoped we could use to carry coal, but having seen it we have decided it would be too heavy to get in and out of the hold. Back onboard I set about cleaning the brass work on the outside and Keith got to grips with cleaning the engine's metalwork. Hadar was then treated to a wash down, so she is looking spick and span for five minutes. A boatwoman's work is never done.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Horton Lock to Marsworth Pair of Locks.

I hope everyone remembered to set their clocks one hour forward. To remember which way round it should be, I always go with the rhyme, spring forward and fall back. We woke up to a bright sunny morning and absolutely no wind at all. The change in the weather from the past few days was remarkable, so we slipped our mooring at 10am and set off for the Marsworth pair of locks. With it being such a glorious morning, we had spendid views across the valley to the Chilterns. No matter which way you look there is fantastic scenery, it made for a very enjoyable mornings cruise. We met boats coming down the locks, so I got to pass the time of day. There were quite a few fishermen out on the towpath, some were happy to say good morning and others did not even acknowledge we were even there. I always like to say hello, just to be polite. The last piece of work for me was the swingbridge at Great Seabrook. For some time there had been a white plastic cruiser moored up on the bollards, but that has finally gone, hooray. We arrived at our mooring for the day at 12.05pm. Having moored up I made us some lunch and we are now enjoying the re-run of the Grand Prix. Congratulations to Jenson Button for his win today. Lets hope he has a great season. Also well done to Lewis Hamilton for taking third, what a sensational drive. Have a lovely Sunday and we will see you next week.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Globe Inn to Horton.
The Globe Inn to Horton, 6 miles and 5 locks.

For Keith and I our morning began at 3.15am when we were woken up by an ear piercing screech in the darkness. It was clearly from an animal fighting off an attacker, there was then a stunned silence; we could not hear a sound, not even the busy road near by. We could only presume that the animal lost the fight and more than likely became a fox's breakfast. We both went back off to sleep until 6am, when I lay listening to the sounds of the morning. A woodpecker was pounding at a tree trunk in the distance, whilst close to the boat a Chiffchaff, was giving its distinctive version of the Chiffchaff song, then a Collared Dove joined in and it was not long before I was listening to a chorus of birdsong. What a fabulous way to begin the day.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fenny Stratford to The Globe Inn.
Fenny Stratford to The Globe Inn North of Leighton Lock, 6.2 miles and 5 locks.
It had not been our intention to move today, as the weather forecast had said that today was going to be dire, but having woken up to a dry, reasonably bright morning, with little wind, we thought we would make the most of the day, as the weather at the moment is so unpredictable. Having decided to move, I walked down to Roy to let him know of our plans, he was staying put for the day as he wanted to walk into the town. 9.20am we slipped our mooring. I walked ahead and prepared the lock with Roy’s help, we then emptied the toilet cassette at the sanitary station below the lock before heading off into the wide blue yonder.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Milton Keynes to Fenny Stratford.
Milton Keynes to Fenny Stratford, 3.7 miles.
It was another bright and breezy start to the day, after a very blustery night. Yet again we were awake early, this time it was 5.10am. Someone once told me that the older you get, the less sleep you require and your sleep pattern is disrupted. I am beginning to think they were right. There was nothing else for it, but for me to get up and make us a cup of tea. After a cuppa we did doze back off to sleep of a sorts before finally getting out of bed at around 7.40am. Having done the usual morning stuff, we left our overnight mooring at 8.55am and travelled the 3.7 miles to Fenny Stratford, where we may stay for a couple of days. The jaunt was uneventful, even though the wind was gaining in strength. We moored up at 10.15am and were followed by Roy at around 11.10am. A BW patrol officer came along the towpath checking the boats licences, so I passed the time of day with him.
We were enjoying lunch when Hadar was clobbered by another boat. I put my head out of the engine room door, to see who it was to see a BW work boat coming alongside. The BW man steering apologised for hitting us, he said "I am sorry luv, I have a long one and it is hard to handle in this wind". My reply was "You may want to rephrase that", which made him laugh. It was true to say that the wind did blow them into us and I told him it was not a problem, after all Hadar is a working boat. I think he felt a little embarassed.
Hadar has had a couple of visitors onboard. Keith's cousin Jill, who he had not seen for many years came to see us. They had a lot of catching up to do over a coffee. It was very nice to meet Jill and we look forward to seeing Jill and her husband Steve on the return journey. Roy came onboard later in the afternoon for coffee and a chat on what the plans are for the next few days. Roy is also going to the Little Venice Cavalcade, so we will definitely be seeing a lot more of him over the next few weeks. It is great because it means we can share locks and the work load. So we will now see what tomorrow brings, but from the look of the forecast we will not be going to far.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cosgrove to Milton Keynes.
Cosgrove to Milton Keynes, 6.5 miles.
Keith and I were both awake at 5.30am, so Marmite thought it was a good opportunity to climb in under the duvet, where she made herself very comfortable for half an hour. Having tried to doze back off to sleep and failed, we both got up, had breakfast and a cuppa, before I took Paddy out for his morning walk. It was a beautiful morning and thankfully the strong winds from yesterday had dropped considerably. Last night it was blowing a gale, we even had waves on the canal. Around 8am we heard Roy leave on NB Gerald No13, he was heading for Wolverton just like us to do a shop at the Tesco there. At 8.45am we got underway, and by 9.15am we were moored up in Wolverton behind NB Gerald No13. we then donned our rucksacks and walked the short distance to the supermarket, meeting Roy who was heading back to his boat. We told him we would see him later, which we did at Linford Wharf. We tried to moor up with him but it was to shallow, so we moved on to Giffard Park, but it was just the same there, so in the end we have ended up mooring in Milton Keynes at Campbell Park. It is always so easy to spot when you are heading into a more built up area. There is a lot more rubbish floating in the canal and the bridges are spray painted with graffiti. Having moored up, I made us some lunch. We then took the chimney apart on the back cabin stove, to give it a proper clean. Keith used a small crowbar to chip all the tar from the inside of the chimney. We put the chimney back in place and I relit the fire. We will do it again once the fire is put out for the summer. It will then be nice and clean for the Autumn. There is always something that needs to be done when living on a boat. I look like I have been down a coal mine. Just as well I am not the sort of woman who likes nice clothes and manicured nails LOL.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stoke Bruerne to Cosgrove.
Stoke Bruerne to Cosgrove, 7.1 miles 8 locks.
Before I begin on today’s ramble. I am really pleased to say that I have now got a copy of ‘Idle Women’ by Susan Woolfitt. Stoke Bruerne Museum shop has a few copies. The book had came back into print a couple of weeks ago, along with ‘The Amateur Boatwoman’ by Eily Gayford. It is a book I have been trying to find. May I thank all of those people who offered to lend me their copy, so that I could read it.

We arrived at Cosgrove lock. I set the lock allowing Hadar in first, Gerald No13 then followed. So after a fabulous mornings cruising, we moored up on the 14 days moorings, with the wind blowing a hooley. I had noticed that the back cabin stove was smoking a fair bit, but thought it maybe due to with the wind. I decided to check the chimney for any blockage, and low and behold it was slightly blocked. After giving it a good clean the smoke is coming out of the chimney as it should. Everyone burning coal should always check their chimneys regularly. I tend to do ours once every couple of weeks.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Banbury Lane Bridge to Stoke Bruerne.
Banbury Lane Bridge to Stoke Bruerne, 4.6 miles.
The morning began early for me with the sound of a local farmers gas gun going off at 6am, which was not very welcome at all on a Saturday. We seem to have been hearing a lot of these gas guns recently and they have been going off at all time of the day and night. Try as I might I found it very difficult to get back to sleep and when Marmite discovered that both Keith and I were awake, she saw it as her opportunity to get into bed with us. Marmite climbed in under the covers and snuggled down for a time, before we spoiled her snooze by getting up to a lovely bright sunny morning. Paddy even had a spring in his step as we went for his morning stroll. A sad sight was set before us, with a Badger floating on the surface of the cut.

Back onboard Keith was cooking us a breakfast which consisted of poached eggs on toast with bacon and mushrooms. I always let Keith do the cooked breakfast as he is really good at it. Once the breakfast was consumed, it was time to get on with boat jobs. Keith changed the generator oil, whilst I tidied the boat. For the first time this year we got our chairs out and sat on the towpath soaking up the sun, whilst eating lunch. It was so nice to be able to open the boat up and let a breeze blow through it. Later in the afternoon a chilly wind began to blew in, meaning we would close the boat up and sit in front the TV for the evening.
Having heard a not very favourable weather forecast last night, we thought we would slip our mooring and head for Stoke Bruerne whilst the weather was so nice. The sun was out and the breeze was not too strong. So having done all the usual morning jobs, we left the mooring at 9.45am. Boaters who had come past us yesterday, who were out for the weekend, were heading back to their bases. One very nice boater, who we met at a bridge ‘ole waved us through, which was really nice of him, especially as Hadar takes some stopping when she is laden with coal, as she is at the moment. Even though we always slow down when coming to a bridge, as we never know what maybe coming in the opposite direction.

Having made our way through Blisworth Tunnel, we were greeted on the other side by cameras flashing and people staring as we came out into the sunlight. What we did not expect to find was a friendly face moored up on the towpath. As we came alongside NB Gerald No13, Keith gave a blast on our Klaxon to see if Roy was onboard, which he was as he stuck his head out and gave us a wave. We moored up in front of him and the conversation flowed, we then got on to the subject of lunch and the fact that Roy was going to The Boat Inn, so we thought what a great idea and so closed the boat up and joined him for lunch, which I have to say was fabulous. The beer and conversation flowed before, during and after a lovely meal. We were even joined by Mike from NB Jubilee for a few moments, but he could not stay as he is now running the trip boats from the museum, but I am sure we will get to chat to him another time. It is fantastic to see Roy again and Thomas his very handsome whippet, who is so well behave. Back at the boats we were then invited onboard Gerald No13 for a coffee, where the chatter was still flowing strongly. We have not had a chance to natter to Roy since the BCN Explorer cruise last year, so as you can imagine we had a lot of things to tell each other. This is the great thing about meeting up with friends, there is always plenty to natter about.
It has been a marvelous day, with lovely weather. Spring is really busting out all over with blossom on the trees.

Friday, March 20, 2009
Taken on 6 tonnes of coal.
Nether Heyford to Bugbrooke Downs near Banbury Lane Bridge 43, 2.8 miles.
Before bedtime I set our alarm clock to go off at 6am, so that we would be up nice and early, as we were due to begin taking on coal at 7.30am. Something however told my body clock to go off at 1am; there I was wide awake dead on 1am grrr. I could not believe it when I looked at the clock. I then spent ages trying to go back to sleep, by the time I reckon I got off; our alarm was beeping at us to wake up. Marmite saw it as her opportunity to jump on the band wagon, by jumping on Keith and meowing in his face, just in case we had not heard the alarm clock. Bleary eyed I crawled out of bed and got dressed. We rolled the bed up into the bed’ole and shut the cupboard door. It was then time for breakfast and Paddy’s walk. Both he and Marmite even had their breakfast early, so they will be screaming for their dinner later on as their tummies will be totally empty.
At 7.30am John opened up the coal yard, and filled us up with diesel first. Hadar swallowed 406 litres, which was darn good because we last filled up in November whilst in Stone. With the diesel done it was then time to load the empty hold. Before dinner last night we had rolled the sheeting up on the hold so it would be already to load coal into. In all it took us 1¾ hours to load 6 tonnes of coal into Hadar’s hold. That is 2 tonnes of Taybrite, 2 tonnes of Cosycoke and 2 tonnes of House Coal; all in all we have almost 7 tonnes of coal onboard as we had 37 bags of coal left over from our last intake. Keith and I took it in turns on the bank and in the hold, each doing a stint at stacking. We have developed a very good system, so it does not take us long to hand load coal these days. Once the hold was all sorted out, I had to go and pay for the coal, whilst Keith paid for the diesel and a new bottle of gas. We spent sometime chatting to both John and Richard, meaning we did not leave the yard until 10.50am. Our aim was to find somewhere to moor for the weekend, which ended up being near Banbury Lane Bridge. We are over looking the railway and fields with horses in. The sun is shining and all is right with the world in our eyes.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Norton Junction to Nether Heyford,
Norton Junction to Nether Heyford, 7.2 miles and 7 locks.
After an overnight frost, we woke up to a pea soup view from the back cabin.

As we made our way to the first of the Buckby Flight, a Rose Hire boat was coming up through the first lock. I stood and had a lovely conversation with the couple on the boat, who were hiring for the second year and enjoying every moment. I helped them operate the paddles before wishing them well as they carried on with their holiday. Also at the lock were six BW workers enjoying their morning tea break, one of them shut the gate as we left the lock, which was very gentlemanly of him. I said thank you before joining Keith on the stern. Sadly as usual we were alone descending the flight. There never seems to be anyone to share with. At lock two there is a canal shop housed in Anchor Cottage, it has lots of canal ware and gifts, we stood chatting to Tricia the owner whilst the lock filled. The shop is filled with wonderful canal ware, lace plates and other canal related items. It is really worth popping into even if it is just for an ice cream.
As you descend the Buckby Flight you cannot ignore the motorway, it is so noisy as it runs alongside the canal.

Now that Spring is really in the air, it means that the trees are now developing their leaves and the grass is beginning to grow once more. The contractors for BW were out cutting the grass on the towpath and strimming the edges, which seems earlier than we have seen them in previous years. Maybe they are making an early start this year.
We arrived at High House Wharf at 1pm, where we moored up and went to visit friends Elaine and David on NB Patience. Unfortunately David had to go to work, but we sat chatting and drinking coffee for a couple of hours with Elaine. It was really lovely to catch up on all their news and to go some way into putting the world to right LOL. We look forward to seeing them again possibly in June.
After leaving Elaine we cruised on to Nether Heyford and Fred Tarry’s Coal Yard where we are due to take on 6 tonne of coal. We spent some time chatting to Richard our coal merchant and made arrangements for taking on our coal in the morning.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Crick to Norton Junction.
Crick to Norton Junction, 4.9 miles and 7 locks.
We stopped at Norton Junction for the day at 11.35am, so you could say it was just a short hop for us, but we did it in some of the best weather of the year so far.
When we woke up, it was to the birds singing to their hearts content. The sun was shining through the pigeon box, so we knew it was another good start to the day. Once we were up, dressed and the usual morning jobs done, we reversed Hadar over to the water point to top her up for when we take on our coal delivery, as we like the water tank to be full and on this occasion the diesel tank will be full as well.
We set off at 9.15am for Crick Tunnel, and met another boat coming towards us in the tunnel, apart from that our trip was uneventuful. We arrived at Watford Locks, I stepped off of the boat and walked down the flight to find the lock keeper, who gave us the all clear to proceed down the locks. He actually walked up and set a couple of the locks for us, which was very nice of him. It was then on to Norton Junction where we ended our journey.
Lunch was eaten alfresco, as it was too glorious to sit inside. I took the opportunity to sweep the boat out, brush the mats and clean the exterior brass once again. Marmite and Paddy both made the most of the sunshine, with Paddy laying on the back counter and Marmite on her new extendable lead prancing up and down the towpath, terrorising the birds in the hedge. It really does not get much better than this as far as the weather and cruising is concerned, long may the sunshine continue, well at least until after the weekend, so we can take on our coal and find a nice spot to moor for the weekend.
Welford Junction to Crick.
Welford Junction to Crick. 10.6 miles.
Having had a lovely nights sleep, on a very quiet mooring, we got up to a chilly, breezy start, but we were both looking forward to cruising to Crick, because Crick was where our waterways adventure began in January 2005, when we picked up NB Misty Lady our old boat which we lived on whilst Hadar was being built. We bought NB Misty Lady from ABNB, which is where we would end up mooring opposite at the end of the days cruising.
Our days cruising began at 9.35am as we slipped our mooring and headed off into the countryside once again. We were welcomed into Northamptonshire once more by the sign on the canal bank.

Sadly bridge 32 was not looking so great, and is in need of some extensive repairs. I have in past postings gone on about how bridges get damaged, but it is true to say that not all bridges are damaged by boats clobbering them at speed. Some sustain their damage by heavy tractors crossing over them from field to field.
There were some other boaters moving towards Foxton, a sure sign that the weather is on the up.
Whilst on the move, I put some sausages into the back stove, so that they would be cooked in time for sausage sandwiches for lunch. I also put the kettle on for a coffee. Once it was boiled I made us both a coffee and filled the coffee pot up and left it to keep warm on the stove, so it would be ready for lunch time. I am so pleased we bought the coffee pot, it is really useful.
We knew we were approaching Crick because Crack hill came into view.

It was not long before we arrived in Crick, where we moored up opposite ABNB. Crick takes its name from the Celtic word for 'hill' ("Cruc"). After lunch and a coffee, we walked into Crick, where there are three pubs, a co-op and post office. Crick also has a beautiful church. St. Margarets Church dates back to the Norman times, it has seen changes through the years. One of the first things you notice is the difference in the colours of the stonework. The tower is red sandstone from Hartshill and the rest of the church is a honey coloured stone. Whilst walking around the church it was obvious that some of the windows have been put in crooked and one of the walls leans outwards. It is a real must see. The village itself is really lovely, a mix of old and new, thatched and tiled houses.
So having enjoyed a nice relaxing cruise, we are now settled in for the evening.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Foxton to Welford Arm Junction.
Foxton to Welford Arm Junction. 8 miles, 10 locks and 1 swing bridge.
We spent a fantastic weekend at Foxton. Saturday was a little on the breezy side, so we did not bother with boat jobs, instead we took a walk into Foxton to have a look around. These fabulous Daffodils were growing along the towpath, bringing a burst of sunshine to the banks.

Friday, March 13, 2009
There and back again.
Bridge 68, Debdale to Foxton. 1.9 miles.
Before leaving our overnight mooring with Mo and Vanessa on NB Balmaha, we got together to say our goodbye’s, because Mo and Vanessa would be stopping at Debdale Wharf for diesel, we would carry on to Foxton where we would stay for the day. Mo and Vanessa came past us later in the day on their way up to the Foxton flight of locks. We decided to have lunch and then take a walk up around the Foxton locks, because the weather was so lovely. I bought an enamel teapot and coffee pot from the shop below the locks. I want to use them in the back cabin. It was a real spring day, warm with sunshine, no wind and sunny spells. Not only was the weather nice, the Daffodils are in bud, ready to bust into flower, Violets are in bloom, with their delicate, scented purple flowers, and the Primroses are in full flower. It does not get much better than this.
Friday 13th March.
Foxton to Market Harborough and back again. 11.8 miles.
We were both awake early listening to the bird song from the hedgerow. Through the port holes on the pigeon box I could see that the sun was shining, announcing another fine day. Marmite soon realised we were both awake, so she jumped on to Keith’s chest, sat herself down and meowed into his face, to make sure he knew that she wanted him up, so she could be fed. Having got up, I raked the back stove fire, before getting ready to take Paddy for his morning stroll. After breakfast we readied Hadar for the off, I then walked up to open the swing footbridge for Hadar to pass through. We only encountered one other boat moving on our way into Market Harborough and they were coming out from the town. The journey is a pretty one with panoramic views across the valley, which can be seen easily at this time of the year, with no foliage on the trees and bushes. Keith spotted a lonely mooring hook, still attached to some piling. Someone had clearly left it behind, so we added it to our growing collection. In all it took us 2 hours to get to Market Harborough, where we winded in the basin before emptying the toilet cassette at the sanitary station. Having moored up on the 48 hour moorings, it was time for another coffee out of the new coffee pot I bought yesterday. It is wonderful because I can fill it up with coffee and keep it warming on the back stove whilst we are on the move. We donned our rucksacks and walked down into the town, where people were milling around in fancy dress for Red Nose Day. In Specsavers they were doing a sponsored walk on a treadmill. In Sainsbury’s a lady was sat in an inflatable car filled with custard, to raise money for Red Nose Day. We did not hang around, as we wanted to have lunch and then move off no sooner we got back to the boat with the food shop. So with full rucksacks we walked back up to Union Wharf, and settled in back on Hadar. I put all of the shopping away and then made us some lunch. We then set off back to Foxton. The weather towards the end of the day turned quite chilly and overcast, so when we stopped at 3.35pm at Foxton, we did not stay outside for very long. We will stay here for the weekend, and then on Monday we will be heading up the Foxton Flight.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Kilby Bridge to Br 68 near Debdale.
Kilby Bridge to Br 68 near Debdale. 7.8 miles and 12 locks.
Yesterday afternoon we moved Hadar over to the Sanitary Station, to take on water, empty the toilet cassette and dispose of rubbish, having done this we then moored up behind NB Balmaha, so we would be ready to move off in the morning.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Time to move on.
Tomorrow we will be moving off and we will not be going alone. We are going to share the locks and the journey with Mo and Vanessa on NB Balmaha. They arrived at Kilby Bridge a few days ago, and joined us onboard Hadar for a cuppa and a chat. Mo and Vanessa are a lovely couple and we could chat to them for hours, which is pretty much what we did, as the time flew by. They are looking to move off tomorrow as well, so it seems sensible to share the locks and the hard work. We have really loved our time at Kilby Bridge, everyone has been so welcoming and nice. I even got to see a Kingfisher close up whilst having a coffee with Alison on her boat. The Kingfisher settled on the BW work boat, no more than 8ft in front of us. It was amazing to be that close to such a magnificent little bird. The following day I was working in the back cabin when I heard a screeching commotion going on outside, so I popped my head out of the door and there scampering along the towpath was a stoat. I reckon it was running from something, but could not see what. That is now my second encounter with a stoat. I never realised just how tiny they were.
So we will say goodbye to Kilby Bridge in the morning, heading back to Wistow and Foxton.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Swan Shot Dead.
A fisherman heard a loud bang about lunch time, he then saw the swan fall from the sky into a field close to the Navigation Inn at Kilby Bridge. The male swan was later found with a wound to the stomach and through the wing, which is suspected to have been caused by a shotgun pellet. The dead swan’s mate, who was flying alongside him, was found uninjured and sitting next to his body, she was taken to Foxton Wildlife Rescue.
As many know swans tend to stay with the same mate for life, so this is very tragic. It seems though that this female has already got her sights set on a new mate at the centre. Once the centre has monitored her for a while they will release her into a family of swans, and lets hope that she lives a long and happy life.
Those responsible for the swans death if found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to this beautiful creature, could face a maximum six-month prison sentence and/or a £20,000 fine under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. Killing or injuring wild birds is also prohibited under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and carries a separate punishment of six months in prison and/or a £5,000 fine. I sincerely hope that someone is caught for this and punished.