It has been a manic couple of days. What with sorting out Keith's hospital appointments and painting the boat. The appointments situation at the moment is all done and now we just wait for the day to arrive. This was all thanks to PALS (Patients Advisory Liason Service). We completely recommend them if you are having problems with your hospital.
On Monday 26th May. We welcomed back Mo and Nessa (NB Balmaha) as they arrived back at the basin, to be reunited with their boat, after a very busy weekend, at their daughters wedding. Go to their blog and have a look at the fabulous photographs of the big day.
Like with any time away, their food cupboards and fridge were empty and they would need to do a shop for provisions, so we all decided that we would have a goodbye meal in The Waterfront Restaurant at the basin. So having walked Paddy and donned our better looking clothes, we walked the Twenty feet from Mo and Nessa's boat into the restaurant. Nessa had asked if we could be seated under the photograph of Hadar, which was really sweet of her. One of the waiters very kindly took the photograph for us. The meal itself was sublime. We all enjoyed our main course and even managed puds. If your in the Market Harborough area, come and have a meal at The Waterfront, you will not be disappointed.
Tuesday it was time to say goodbye to Mo and Nessa, as they left with Nessa's mum onboard for pastures new. It has been sad to see our friends go. But hopefully it will not be much longer and we will be cruising again. It was wonderful to see Mo and Nessa again. We always have so much to natter about and yes whilst eating our meal, the topic of conversation did end up with talking about toilets. Why is it that when chatting to any boater, you always have to talk about toilets?
So we are alone once more for a few days. We know that The Maisibert with Hilary and Andy is on its way to Market Harborough, so we will have a lovely time catching up with them. So watch this space for more news.