What another glorious day.
I went and got a few salad bits from the shop in Braunston and some bacon from the Butchers. Keith went to the Chandlery to get some boat bits as well. We then decided to leave the Braunston Stop House moorings and head out into the countryside up the joint Grand Union - Oxford Canal. As we left a gentleman on the bow of NB Constance said "Hello, I read your blog". I thanked him and we went on our way. If the gentleman on NB Constance is reading this posting, it was lovely to briefly meet you. Thank you for reading our diary. Maybe next time we meet, we will get longer to chat. All our readers are very important to us. So thank you for taking the time to pop in and read our diary.
So we are now out in the countryside and it is truly sublime. Stunning views and lots of birdsong.

Between Bridges 105 and 107 on the Oxford Canal, we spotted this heifer grazing on the bushes. Your think aww how lovely. The problem with this was she was grazing out on the towpath. On the offside there were cows grazing in the field, so we think she may have swum across the canal. At any rate I rang the BW quick response team number and they were going to send someone out to find the cows owner.
We winded at bridge 107 and headed back along the canal to moor near bridge 102, the Flecknoe road bridge, 7.4 miles 4hrs. This will be our home for a couple of days, as we have boat jobs to do.

So all is well with our world and we will enjoy this mooring and the digital TV signal we have. Murray is level in sets with Tsonga, so come on Murray, give us Brits something to cheer about.
Right I am off to make yet another salad for dinner.