Today Jo packed a picnic lunch and we headed off for a 4½ mile walk, which started along the towpath back toward Consall Forge. A footpath leaves the towpath and crosses the River Churnet via this bridge, and then under the railway bridge behind it.

I just about managed to catch the steam train crossing the bridge.

The footpath is quite a steep climb up, but the view across the Churnet valley is worth it.

The footpath then passes behind the Kingsley Falconry Centre, but we could not see any of the falcons

The footpath then crosses fields, one of which had some cows in it, and one of them was this fine looking Jersey.

Then further along we came across this rather friendly horse.

The donkey kept it’s distance!

The Shetland pony was also very friendly.

We carried on towards the village of Kingsley, saying goodbye to the 2 horsey chums.

Once in Kingsley village we then walked along the A52 towards Froghall, then the lane back to the Falconry Centre, and back onto the footpath back to the River Churnet, where we sat on the river bank and had our picnic.

As can be seen I am growing my hair long again, it is a bit straggly at the moment, but give it time. We did see a kingfisher fly past us, but it was too quick for us to photograph. We then returned to the towpath and back to Froghall basin.