Today Jo and recovered the old timber that had been removed from the offside non-residential moorings opposite us which was replaced as the original was collapsing.
This photo is an old photo but the timber is all on the bank behind the new pontoon, but since this photo the fence had been replaced which made recovery more interesting.
I used a boat hook to pull the timber towards us and Jo grabbed and put it into the workboat.

This is what is left of the collapsing staging, which Jo removed the footway from, to expose what was underneath for Simon to see in preparation for replacing it.
It needs replacing for 2 reasons, it had started to collapse at the front edge and the footway was sloping, and most of the footway timbers were rotten and a few had already broken due to the rot, due to these 2 reasons it was no longer safe to walk on.
The staging is to give easy access to our hedge at the back of our garden, which without the staging would be impossible get to due to the slope of the garden, especially when wielding hedge trimmers!
In this photo the hedge is on the left.