2.1 miles, 2 locks, 1 swingbridge, 1hr 5mins.

A typical winter’s day, cold, but pleasant, less windy than yesterday, which made it seem warmer today. Just a short journey today as we were luck enough to get a mooring at the junction, I didn’t think we would, but we have. We popped up to see if Les and Jac, who are moored above the first lock, were on-board, but they weren’t, we will catch up with them at some point.

A couple of photos of Startops End Reservoir, which has plenty of water in it. We were not surprised to the the White lion has closed down. We were not impressed when we ate there a few years ago, meal was ok, but very expensive for meatballs and spaghetti. Prices might be right for Central London, but not Marsworth.
later we took a quick walk around the village.

All Saints Church, which very unusually has no wall or fencing around it.

The Red Lion.

The stocks outside the Red Lion.

The school.

The Anglers Retreat.

Duck pond behind the Anglers Retreat.