Monday 15th May 2006.
Steve 1 had out the newspaper and masking tape and set about masking up the gunwales, and the open hold ready to spray paint them in what can only be described as chocolate brown mmmmmm and lovely it looked to. You can certainly understand why they wear masks whilst spray painting the smell of the fumes is enough to send anyone high. I have to say though it did nothing for me. But I do love the colour.
Tuesday 16th May.
No work done on Hadar today.
Wednesday 17th May.
Roger began work on the holds woodwork, the planks, mast and stand. His first job was the rear cross member, he then made the top plank block which sits on the cabin roof, he also started on the stand.
Thursday 18th May.
Roger spent the day making up the stand, he put them in place with the cross member. He also made up the mast box and then arranged the top planks and cross member.
Friday 19th May.
No work today done on Hadar, they are waiting for the tongue and groove wood to arrive for the cratch.

Over this past week Keith has enjoyed helping Roger with the woodwork, helping with measurements and the carrying of the timber, which is very substantial. The planks alone vary in length, but are 1 ½ thick by 11 inches wide. We are now getting very close to Hadar’s launch. Once the timber work for the hold is done, Roger can measure up for the sheeting. That can be got then fitted and yayyy we get to launch. We cannot launch until the sheeting is fitted. Because if it rains and the hold fills up she will sink Eckkk as there are no drain off holes in the hold. Anyway another week of activity and plenty more to come so please keep popping in for a read and a look at the photographs.