Friday, October 29, 2010
Back to Foxton Locks
We returned to Foxton locks this morning, mooring up before Rainbow Bridge No.62. Jo washed the boat whilst Keith did some water can and wash bowl painting in primer. Both are ready for top coats, the wash bowl requiring touching up after many years of neglect.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Foxton to Smeeton Westerby
An uneventful run from Foxton to wind before Saddington Tunnel, and back to moor near Smeeton Hill Bridge No.70. The repair to the collapsed culvert looks good, but they are still working in the area of the ditch, probably just tidying things up.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Coal Delivery Filming, then on to Bridge 5.
Upon our arrival at Union Wharf yesterday ready for our coal delivery this morning, David and Viv on "First Fruits" told us they were expecting a film crew to come and film onboard their boat, interviewing a local canal man, who was at the inaugaral IWA festival at Market Harborough in 1950. This all sounded very exciting, and we both looked foraward to seeing this happen whilst we were there. As we were loading the 3 tonnes of coal this morning, the film crew turned up, and whilst they were waiting for the interviewee to arrive they started filming us loading the coal.

Jo was telling them all about her coal business and the boat, in between the coal being barrowed from the truck to the boat. They even caught me loading some coal for once!

After doing the interview they had come for they asked if they could film from onboard Hadar as we left the basin, which we did.

Jo was telling them all about her coal business and the boat, in between the coal being barrowed from the truck to the boat. They even caught me loading some coal for once!

After doing the interview they had come for they asked if they could film from onboard Hadar as we left the basin, which we did.

The filming is for a program to be shown on BBC some time next year, they will let us know when it is to be screened and we will let you know. Of course no doubt the film about us will probably end up on the cutting room floor, but it was a bit of fun and excitement. Having safely dropped the camera and sound man off a little way along the canal we continued on to Bridge 5, where we met up with Richard and Chris off of "Digitalis", and had a coffee and cake with them whilst chatting about our summer adventures. They have invited us onboard for dinner, which we are now looking forward to very much.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Foxton to Bridge 14 then onto Market Harborough
Yesterday we moved down through Foxton locks on a beautiful autumnal morning, with very clear views out across the valley below the locks. We stopped at bridge 14 and walked into Market Harborough to get a replacement shower and a new shaver for Keith, the shower themostatic valve had packed up and Keith's shaver had broken. It was just as cheap to buy a complete new shower from Plumb Center rather than just the valve, and they had the complete showers in stock, but we would have to order and wait for just the valve. A quick visit to Argos secured a new shaver at half price, the sort of deal Keith likes just at the right time too. Keith soon fitted the new shower and we both enjoyed our showers that evening.
This morning we were up earlyish emptying out the bilge under the engine, whist the hold was light on coal and the bow was higher out of the water, making it easier to mop out. Once completed we set off for Union Wharf to moor up in the basin ready for our delivery of 3 tonnes of coal, some more kindling and firelighters tomorrow morning. We have already had 3 customers for coal since arriving at the basin this morning.
This morning we were up earlyish emptying out the bilge under the engine, whist the hold was light on coal and the bow was higher out of the water, making it easier to mop out. Once completed we set off for Union Wharf to moor up in the basin ready for our delivery of 3 tonnes of coal, some more kindling and firelighters tomorrow morning. We have already had 3 customers for coal since arriving at the basin this morning.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Welford to Top of Foxton locks.
A surprising morning's run today. First we saw a pheasant shoot alongside the canal, then a hunt galloping across the fields, real outdoor life, just what living on the canal is all about.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Watford Gap to Welford
Another longish day today, 6hrs 35mins, but it was a lovely autumnal day. Soon after we set off I noticed the ignition light was on and a quick check showed that the starter alternator belt had broken. Having arrived at Welford Wharf and sold some coal we returned back down the arm to the visitor moorings between the marina and Welford lock for the night. Now changing a drive belt should be easy, but no, upon having taken the safety cover off I realised that both of the 2 belts for the domestic alternator and the belt for the remote water pump for the engine had to be taken off first before being able to replace the broken one. Still the procedure was simple enough, and the brand spanking new belt was soon fitted and working. Makes me glad we carry spares for such emergencies, which of course makes them not an emergency.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Foxton to Welford Junction, then onto Watford Gap.
Yesteday we were 2nd boat up through Foxton locks, on a chilly but bright morning. The run through to Welford junction was fairly uneventful.
This morning, with a frost on the ground we set off for Crick. Along the way we managed to sell 22 bags of coal, our best day yet. We winded Hadar at the winding 'ole between Bridge No.7 and the M1 Motorway bridge and have moored up near Bridge No.8 for the night, feeling slightly knackered but with a warm satisfying glow.
This morning, with a frost on the ground we set off for Crick. Along the way we managed to sell 22 bags of coal, our best day yet. We winded Hadar at the winding 'ole between Bridge No.7 and the M1 Motorway bridge and have moored up near Bridge No.8 for the night, feeling slightly knackered but with a warm satisfying glow.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Bridge 14 to Foxton
We travelled to Black Horse Bridge this morning to await our Tesco delivery. It was due to arrive between 11.00am and 1.00pm. It arrived at precisely 11.00am. Once it was all packed away we moved Hadar 600yards nearer to Foxton locks, to the moorings just before the swing footbridge. Having had lunch Keith unpacked the parcels we picked up yesterday from Union Wharf to check that all the items ordered were there. We couldn't believe one large box which contained 3 tins of paint and loads of bubble wrap. The box was big enough to get at least 20 tins in it! Despite all the packaging 2 tins were dented. The bubble wrap will come in useful though for wrapping breakable items we sell. The hour meter is now clicking away as it has to reach 500 hours before Keith installs it, should only take 21 days! This hour meter will work in parallel with the one on the generator, but will be mounted in the control box with the engine hour meter and voltmeters so it will be easier to read than the one on the generator without having the remove all the soundproofing, and can be read at the same time as the engine one.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Gallows Hill, to Union Wharf then Bridge 14
Jo received a phone call to say we had some large parcels for us waiting at Union Wharf, so we upped stakes and returned there to pick them up, winded and returned to Bridge 14. The parcels were all the spares Keith ordered. Such things as fuel and oil filters, water pumps, impellors, etc. We now have a good stock which should last us a few years and save us money in the long run. The spare pumps are just in case one should break down and we are not near a Chandlery, especially during the winter whilst on our coal run, as we are lacking in Chandleries on our patch. A new hour meter for the generator which will replace the temperature gauge in the control panel once I move the gauge to the pigeon box. As we have had problems with the cheap circulation pumps for the back boiler I have decided to replace them with an expensive one. The tins of Lauderdale Blue paint are so we can start changing the paler blue we incorrectly chose for Hadar's colour scheme. Lauderdale Blue is what we should have used, so don't be surprised to see Hadar running with a mixture of the 2 blues until we complete the whole changeover. Keith is starting with the new water cans which will be in the new blue livery.
Harborough to Gallows Hill
Yesterday morning we moved to Gallows Hill as we had a customer waiting there who needed coal. The fishermen were out in force along the way.
Keith started to paint one of the new water cans with a coat of primer after repairing the side handle, which fell off in Jo's hand as she was passing out to Keith from the hold. The solder joints had failed but 4 brass bolts, nuts and washers have made a substantial repair. He will leave painting the other can until he can buy some more nuts and bolts, just to be on the safe side. The handle on the other can seems to be better attached, but he doesn't want to take any chances seeing as we want to actually use them to hold water. Far easier to make a decent repair before he paints it and hopefully no one will notice.
He refitted the new tyres to the trolley, they must be gold plated inside, as they cost just over £86! Each tyre was £30.13 and each inner tube was £12.92. Makes us glad we no longer have a car with 5 tyres!!
He also reset the Kohler generator speed so that the output was at 52.5Hz under no-load condition, as recommended by the manufacturers, but not quoted in their manual. Under load the frequency drops, as noticed by Simon when he checked our Victron Invertor/Charger the other week. When the generator was delivered it was set incorrrectly at 60Hz for the USA, despite all the signs and badges on it saying it was 50Hz. Keith had readjusted it, but of course he set it to 50Hz under no-load. Although it hasn't caused any problems so far, he is happier now it is set correctly. Life is so much better and easier when you know all the facts.
Our replacement battery had arrived at Union Wharf, which we picked up whilst we were there, and fitted in place of the damaged one. I take my hat off to Kuranda for sorting it out for us. They managed to persuade Victron that it should be replaced under warranty, which is excellent. We would also like to thank them for sorting out the problems with our Victron Invertor/Charger, with a visit by Simon whilst we were at Crick, which is working perfectly again. All this was despite the fact that both Darren and Brett were going firstly to the IWA National at Beale Park, and then the Southampton Boat Show which made life interesting for the pair of them. It was a recommendation by Roger Fuller our boat builder to have Kuranda supply all our major electrics, and we are glad now that we did. It certains has paid off getting all our kit from one supplier as we only have to contact one place, and all their kit is known to work together. No having one company saying, "Nothing wrong with our kit, it's the other guys stuff!" and the other saying the same. Unfortunately they will have to wait till next summer to get Jo's cake she will bake for them when we get to Whaley Bridge.
Keith started to paint one of the new water cans with a coat of primer after repairing the side handle, which fell off in Jo's hand as she was passing out to Keith from the hold. The solder joints had failed but 4 brass bolts, nuts and washers have made a substantial repair. He will leave painting the other can until he can buy some more nuts and bolts, just to be on the safe side. The handle on the other can seems to be better attached, but he doesn't want to take any chances seeing as we want to actually use them to hold water. Far easier to make a decent repair before he paints it and hopefully no one will notice.
He refitted the new tyres to the trolley, they must be gold plated inside, as they cost just over £86! Each tyre was £30.13 and each inner tube was £12.92. Makes us glad we no longer have a car with 5 tyres!!
He also reset the Kohler generator speed so that the output was at 52.5Hz under no-load condition, as recommended by the manufacturers, but not quoted in their manual. Under load the frequency drops, as noticed by Simon when he checked our Victron Invertor/Charger the other week. When the generator was delivered it was set incorrrectly at 60Hz for the USA, despite all the signs and badges on it saying it was 50Hz. Keith had readjusted it, but of course he set it to 50Hz under no-load. Although it hasn't caused any problems so far, he is happier now it is set correctly. Life is so much better and easier when you know all the facts.
Our replacement battery had arrived at Union Wharf, which we picked up whilst we were there, and fitted in place of the damaged one. I take my hat off to Kuranda for sorting it out for us. They managed to persuade Victron that it should be replaced under warranty, which is excellent. We would also like to thank them for sorting out the problems with our Victron Invertor/Charger, with a visit by Simon whilst we were at Crick, which is working perfectly again. All this was despite the fact that both Darren and Brett were going firstly to the IWA National at Beale Park, and then the Southampton Boat Show which made life interesting for the pair of them. It was a recommendation by Roger Fuller our boat builder to have Kuranda supply all our major electrics, and we are glad now that we did. It certains has paid off getting all our kit from one supplier as we only have to contact one place, and all their kit is known to work together. No having one company saying, "Nothing wrong with our kit, it's the other guys stuff!" and the other saying the same. Unfortunately they will have to wait till next summer to get Jo's cake she will bake for them when we get to Whaley Bridge.
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