Lived on-board Hadar

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Harecastle Tunnel to Wedgwood Factory, Barlaston

Map picture


A dull but dry start as we set off from Harecastle tunnel.  Boats were already queuing up for the tunnel as we left.


The remains of a burnt out fibreglass boat.


Work is being carried out on the chimney at Middleport Pottery.

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We pulled into the services at Etruria Industrial Museum for water, whilst here we briefly chatted to Andrew who was getting Lindsay ready to take to Westport lake for a children’s event happening there today.

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This footbridge over the railway at Cockshutts lock clearly shows how it was raised to clear the overhead electric cables.

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Stoke bottom lock, we had a lot of boats coming up through the locks, which made life much easier for Jo.

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We briefly stopped at Hemheath bridge No.106 at Trentham, so Jo could buy a new hat from J&P Hats at Trentham Gardens.


We then carried on to the Wedgwood factory at Barlaston, and for once were able to moor opposite the factory.


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