Yesterday Jo and I walked the 1.5 miles from the canal to the Kibworth Shooting Ground so that I could purchase a telescopic sight for my air rifle, which I took with me. I bought my air rifle back in 2007, before we set off on Hadar, with the intention to use it to shoot game, to eat. However I was not happy with using the standard sights to guarantee a clean kill, so I have been waiting for the ideal opportunity to visit a gun shop to acquire a decent telescopic sight. I had discovered on our first time in the Foxton-Harborough area that there was a shooting ground and shop near the canal at Debdale, and I have been waiting for the right opportunity to moor at Debdale wharf and visit the gun shop.
The shop was a bit busy with shooters signing in, and getting gas cartridges recharged, but we were in no hurry.

We were recommended a Hawke Sport-HD IR (3-9x50 AO Mil Dot model) which according to the Hawke website normally retails at £94.95, but we got it for £50, a bargain, and it was fitted to my rifle. The shop being located at the shooting ground was ideal as I could test out and adjust the sight whilst there. We took a target to the air rifle range and with much appreciated friendly assistance from some shooters already at the range, I got the sight approximately zeroed to start with, but I need to readjust it more accurately, I didn’t want to take up too much of the other shooters time, especially as I have targets on-board that I can use to finish off the setting up at my leisure, and in slightly warmer weather. We are looking forward to my first kill going into the cooking pot. Over time it should save us a fair bit in food costs.
This morning we set off for Foxton locks for the weekend. We tried to moor at the 14 day moorings just before Rainbow Bridge, but they are too shallow, and we didn’t want to risk getting stuck with the water situation at present in this area. We were fortunate though to get into our favourite mooring just through Rainbow Bridge, at the junction. We may have a visitor coming to see us Sunday, so we are in the ideal spot for them to find us.