A longish day for us today, 7 hours 5 minutes, we got a wiggle on. With a good start this morning, and our original destination before Hawkesbury junction was too early to stop I calculated we could clear Nuneaton today. This would avoid having to travel through there on a Saturday, especially if it is as warm as it has been today. We have decided to carry on travelling this weekend, normally we don’t move at weekends, but as we want to get to Whaley Bridge as soon as we can, we will press on regardless. As we approached Tuttle Bridge No.23, at the northern end of Nuneaton, we came across this.

As we approached it we could see the orange marker buoys, and I pulled over to the towpath side of the obstruction. Not a good idea, as we rode over something very substantial under the water, probably the rest of this boat. What is marked with the buoys has probably drifted away from the towpath and now sits in the middle of the cut.
Just as we approached the remains of Bridge No.26 something substantial wrapped itself around the prop, so we pulled into the towpath just after the bridge ‘ole. After quite a fight with the boat pole, and several small chunks of heavy plastic sheeting later, the bulk of the sheeting finally gave way.

With all that effort, I decided to moor up just around the corner, before Bridge No.27 and Springwood Haven Marina home of Valley Cruisers, which is more or less where I had intended to moor anyway, with excellent views across the fields from our galley windows.