We had a busy expensive day today in Market Harborough. We caught the 8:00am bus from Foxton, and headed for the Indoor Market for a coffee in the Café. Then we did some shopping. I booked an appointment with Specsavers for an eye test later in the day, as mine had run out and I needed some more glasses as I am down to my last pair, they don’t float!
We then headed to the dentist for our annual check ups. Jo sailed through hers, but I need 2 fillings, so was booked in for a further visit next week. He did say that one of them may not take and I may need another crown, more expense, so let’s hope the new filling, when he does it, lasts.
We walked to Union Wharf to collect mail, and see a few friends, then returned to the town for a quick lunch in the Indoor Market Café of sausage baps. Jo bought 2 lambs shanks from the Market butcher, at £2.99 each they make a good wholesome meal, Jo uses them in a stew, slow cooked in the boatman’s cabin stove.
Then we returned to Specsavers for my eye test, which showed that my eyes had changed slightly, so 2 new pairs of glasses were ordered. Jo booked herself an appointment for her eyes to be tested, but seeing as I had taken the last free one today, she has to return on Thursday for her test.
We mysteriously received a copy of Canal Boat magazine in our post, strange that, seeing that neither of us had ordered it. I have emailed them to see why we have received it. Not that we don’t mind freebies, but if there are further issues forthcoming they will fill our post box up once we start to use it, which isn’t that big, and there won’t be room for our important mail. Also in our post was the new aerial cable and signal booster I ordered from Maplins. It is specially designed for cars/caravans/boats and is powered directly from 12/24v. I will set it up and see if it improves the signal to our TV’s, especially the one in the boatman’s cabin. If it works well other boaters may be interested in it.
We caught the 2:45pm bus back to Foxton, and returned to the boat, then Jo got the trolley out and crates to go and wait for our Tesco delivery, which arrived spot on at 4:00pm.
To say we were both pooped at the end of the day is an understatement. At least my back had stopped complaining throughout the day, which has been giving me jip the last few days, probably from shovelling the loose coal in the hold during our coal delivery at Welford on Friday.