Lived on-board Hadar

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Debacle sorted and back on Track.

OK folks, here is today's update. We spent a lot of time chatting today. he was up when I got there and so I did his washing and he did have a beard trim, sorry to those of you who were swooning over his facial hair . He was then worn out so was put back into bed, which is where he stayed.
I read his notes today and it has him down as having Bilary Sepsis, which having looked it up it says Sepsis occurs as a result of body's abnormal response to severe infection. Manifestation of sepsis include fever, rapid heart rate and rapid breathing. Blood work will reveal elevation of white blood cell count. Which is Keith's symptoms to a tee. I also got to the bottom of the debacle of yesterday and the stoppage of the antibiotics. It seems having spoke to the ICU nurse the pharmacist stopped his anti-sickness drugs because they are not supposed to go through the drip, he is supposed to take them by mouth, but the surgeon was not having that. As for the antibiotics, one of the junior doctors read the notes which said he had, had his 5 days of antibiotics and assumed they had to be taken off, what he should have done was checked with the surgeon first before signing them off. So Keith missed two lots of each antibiotics which helped to put his blood count up. They have him on Metronidazole and Tazocin, plus the pain killers and anti-sickness. Thankfully today he was on his antibiotics and they are written up for another 9 days, he is also back on a fluids drip and all his other medication has to go through the veins. He can have sips of water and a protein fruit juice, but no food. So today in some ways has been a good day. His pain was moderate when I left, so they were going to get him something. Tomorrow we see the surgeon again.


Anonymous said...

Keeping up to speed with Keith whilst we are away at home this week Jo. Glad he is back on the drugs and you have a diagnosis at last. Hope the protein drinks help and start to build him up again. Take care both of you. See you next week. Dawne and Stuart (Teazle)

Ray Butler said...

Glad that's sorted. Everything still crossed!

Llosgi said...

That sounds much more positive, I am glad! I don't understand why they couldn't just keep you fully informed of everything from the start, without you having to do detective work to find out. Being kept fully informed might have helped cope with all the anxiety perhaps. Best wishes, Keith.