Lived on-board Hadar

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New drain in and staples out.

Well Keith went down to have his CT scan and new drain put in on the left hand side, which is draining yellow fluid out of his abdomen. They were going to put it in the right and Keith said No it is supposed to be in the left, after questioning it twice they checked the latest scan and apologised to Keith saying he was correct it should be the left grrrrrrrrr. He is very sore and so they have given him some Morphine, so hopefully he will sleep. They have taken his staples out after 15 days, which I photographed because Keith cannot see them and wants to know what they are like. The hospital surgeon stopped his antibiotics, which the naval surgeon was not so keen on doing so soon, but we shall see. If his temp goes up again they will put them back on. The new drain has to be kept in for at least another 4 to 5 days, so he will not be home just yet. They weighed him this morning and he has lost at least 2 stone, which does not surprise me. In himself he is fine, so lets hope he now improves and he can come home soon. It is just as well I go in everyday, because I am keeping his care up to my standard. The nurses seem to forget he is there some of the time, like he came back from having his new drain put in and they had it crossing his body and hanging down the right side with his other ones, which means it is not draining properly because it has to go uphill over his stomach first, so I questioned it and so they agreed and moved it to the left where the drain has been put in, common sense I would have thought. The tube is so long it is was lying on the floor, so I sorted it out and hung it off the bed rail. In himself he is bright and chatty, now we just need to get him eating proper food and get the drains out, so he can come home. We will see how the next few days go xxxxx


Angela said...

That's the turning point, from now on it get's better. Wish Keith well!
We're, Tiger and I and he's only a foot tall, yea, he's a dog, watching from Turkey. We winter here and cruise a ' Plastic' boat for the Summer in Ireland.
So, here's to Keith continuing his dream and what a wonderful dream it is!
Angela and woof from Tiger.

Anonymous said...

So glad the news is getting better day by day and bet Keith is glad he has you looking after him!All the best to you both.

Sandra and Bob
Nb All Things Spanish