Lived on-board Hadar

Monday, February 27, 2006

Week Eight

It was another fantastic week in the building of Hadar. I have now numbered the two Steve's LOL. Far better than saying old Steve and young Steve hahaha, if I did that they may down tools and stop work lol, you know what men are like (whoops sorry guy's)

Monday 20th February 2006.
Steve 1 completed putting the baffles in cooling tank, the baffles in the coolong tanks are cut at two different lengths, so the water has to pass around them, allowing the water to cool in the process, he then welded the face of it on with pipe fittings, top and bottom.Steve 2 spent most of the time welding the hull on the inside.

Tuesday 21st February.
We had discussions with Roger about canvas and the position of the steel strips, that will butt upto the cabin sides.After the discussions Steve 2 began tacking steel strips along the gunwale, these strips have been pre-drilled, for taking the canvas which goes upwards from the gunwales, and will be held inplace with timber screwed to the steel work.Steve 1 set to and did the second cooling tank with baffles and outlets.

Wednesday 22nd February.
The steel strips were welded to the gunwales and ground back.The final 2 cross members were welded into place in the boatsman cabin floor.The two cooling tanks were then pressurised and tested for leaks, and both passed.Discussions were had about the cabin tops and planking.The first of the bulkheads went on at the stern,and was tacked into place. The boatsman cabin rear wall with door hole, will have planking grooved into it at a later stage to make it look like wooden planks, which was used when the small northwich was originally built.

Thursday 23rd February.
Steve 1 made up and fitted the rudder post and rudder.He also made up and bent the cross members for the roof.There was lots of grinding back for Steve 2.

Friday 24th February.
Steve 2 added the fourth and final rubbing strake was tacked on along the bottom of the hull.Steve 1 was working on the rudder post and skeg.They all set about lifting and putting into position the first of the cabin sides for the bathroom and galley, that was then tacked into place, and side number 2 was put into place.Finally they bent the roof into shape and tacked the crossed members onto the roofing steel.It's all set for another exciting week to come.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Week Seven

Monday 13th February 2006.
The begining of another week, this being week 7 we were expecting to be just watching all the joints, being welded, but as you will notice from the photographs, other things took place as well.For a starter they completely welded the fuel tank tops on, they were then both pressurised to see if they leaked externally. The internal test had already been carried out. The external tests were done and no leaks found.The excess base plate on the bow was partly cut away, giving the base of the hull it's final shape, and very nice it looked.

Tuesday 14th February.
The rest of the hull was completely welded and the remaining base plate at the bow was cut away. Even just the small things, makes a big difference to the final shape.

Wednesday 15th February.
It was purely just lot's of welding and grinding back today make sure all the surfaces, had a finished smooth appearance.

Thursday 16th February.
Yet more welding and grinding, sounds boring, but if its not done, the final effect will not look so great, not to mention the fact that hadar will sink LOL.

Friday 17th February.
Today the two Steve's set about straightening the hull out, making sure all the lines of the body work were straight, which ment alterations in the gunwales, and yes yet more welding. Hadar would look pretty silly if her hull was like a banana, so it is important. Again there was alot of welding going on throughout the hull, but vital even though it will all be unseen.Finally for the week, the metal work has started to go in for the cooling tanks. All in all another good week.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Week Six

Monday 6th February 2006.
The beginning of week 6, and a warmer start to the week, even though it was dull. There was nothing done to Hadar during the morning, as Steve was working on Typhoon, blacking her bottom ( I bet she loved that LOL). But during the afternoon, he tacked the remainder of the top rubbing strake along both sides of the hull, heading towards the stern

Tuesday 7th February.
All of the top rubbing strake was welded into place right the way around Hadar's hull.

Wednesday 8th February.
The two Steve's then set about adding the other three rubbing strakes to the stern of the boat, firstly bending then tacking them into place, they then using the cutting torch cut off the excess 15mm steel off the base plate, giving Hadar's Stern her shape, and very fine it looks too.

Thursday 9th February.
The 3 remaining stern rubbing strakes are all welded in to position and ground down to make them nice and smooth. A connection pipe has been welded into place to connect the two fuel tanks, and a leakage test has been done. (So fingers were crossed).

Friday 10th February.
With no leakage found on the fuel tanks, tops were tacked into place, and a pressure test valve fitted. Any of the remaining stern welding was done and all ground back to give the stern it's final shape.

Although we thought this may have been a quiet week, due to all the final welding which needed to be done, we have actually seen a huge change in Hadar's Stern, as you will see from the photograph's in her album, so here's to another fun packed week. I will see you same place, same time next week, all being well.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Week Five

Monday 30th January 2006.
After watching an exciting week last week, we knew this coming week was going to be more about the welding of the hull structure, and therefore there would be very little to see as far as progress was concerned, but we need not have worried we still had planty to photograph, and admire as the two Steve's and Roger got to work on the rubbing strakes at the bow. So today they spent time welding on more of the gunwales towards the stern, and strenghtening bars have been welded in place in the bow. They maybe unseen but they are an important part of boat building, the unsung heroes I guess.

Tuesday 31st January.
Today the strenghtening bars went into the stern, all lined up like matchsticks. But they are there for a reason and although we will probably never see them again once the boat is built, it is important for them to be added. We had discussion with Roger about the gas locker and the position of our water tank, and after a few ideas being tossed into the conversation we have decided to have it under the false cratch in the bow of the boat. There will be pictures when that part is put in place. It will be easier to see, than for me to try and explain LOL.

Wednesday 1st February.
Well a new month and work continues with the gunwales at the stern being fished and cut to shape. But for us the exciting part to this week was watching the first of the rubbing stakes being bent into place. No this is not done by machine, it is done with cold steel and muscle, not to mention a good eye for getting the shape correct. Both the Steve's spent time making sure the shape looked correct as they bent the steel and tacked it into place with a weld.

Thursday 2nd February.
Both the top rubbing strakes have been tacked on at the bow, making sure they shape matches both sides, and the second rubbing stakes are being worked on. This is not a process that can be hurried otherwise it could all look wrong, but it was incredible to watch how it was done, with string lines to get the shape and then drawn on in chalk, until the steel was finally put in place.

Friday 3rd February.
The first and second rubbing strakes were welded properly into place and the third was being added. Now looking at the bow you can really see her shape, and it looks amazing. Hadar is truely coming alive. So we look forward to this coming week to see what else is new in her build. So please pop in and have a look.