Lived on-board Hadar

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day Trip to Northampton


With time on our hands, and possibly a good day weather-wise we decided to catch the bus to Northampton this morning. We caught the 10:10am bus, and were in Northampton by 10:50am, and we hoped to catch the 4:00pm bus back, so plenty of time to explore. Neither of us has ever been to Northampton before so we looked forward to seeing what it had to offer. Upon alighting from the bus at the bus station we had no idea where to go, so we just set off, and were soon on the Grosvenor Shopping Centre, and we found a cafe for a cup of coffee before hitting the streets.

Having walked through the Grosvenor Shopping Centre we next came to the market. Our next destination was the bank to get some much needed cash, which we had passed in the bus so I knew approximately where it was. Next to the bank was the All Saints Church.


As we were to find out throughout the day Northampton has many very interesting buildings, but you do have to look up, which many people forget to do. Jo took some photos when she could. Many of them have amazing facades.






This one below was originally the Northampton Co-op, which is now a shopping arcade.


This very imposing building is the Guildhall, too large to fit in the photo!


We found yet another Chinese Buffet called Aroma where we had lunch. There is an good selection of Charity Shops, which we love to browse around, looking for bargains.

We walked down Fish Street and came across “The Fish” which had this plaque on the front.


We had another cup of coffee at the same cafe we started at first thing this morning, and then we headed for the bus station where we waited for the 4:00pm bus back to Stoke Bruerne.

On the journey in and our return journey we passed over the River Nene and we both look forward to when we venture down from the Grand Union to the River Nene some time in the future, hopefully not too far away.


Monday, September 26, 2011

One Relaxed Cat.



Life is really difficult for a cat on a working narrow boat!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Busy Day



We had a busy day today here at Stoke Bruerne. We set up shop  early and we were soon selling bits and pieces. Our best day to date. Jo sold a couple of her blankets, which was good news.



Marmite tested out my rag rugs. She found them very comfy to lie on. We got to chat to lots of people, which made the day pass very quickly. They were probably attracted by the smell of our lamb casserole cooking in the back stove for tonight's dinner.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Flore to Stoke Bruerne

Map picture


What a lovely days cruising. Soon after we set off from our overnight mooring at Flore, just round the corner, we were approaching High House and our friends David and Elaine on nb Patience heard us coming and we pulled alongside for a coffee. Whilst there I wondered how much Spiderworx would charge for sign writing our gauging numbers back onto the cabinside, so whilst there I enquired and Colin came and had a look and said he could do it there and then at a very reasonable price. So we reversed back to the winding ole at the other end of the moorings, winded, and reversed back to be stern on to David and Elaine’s boat so he could do the port side first. Whilst here Jules on Towcester arrived to deliver some gas and other bits and pieces, whilst moored alongside Patience. When Colin had finished the port side, we then we returned to the winding ole, winded and returned yet again this time pulling in before his shed, and he completed the set. Excellent job, all ready for the Village at War Weekend at Stoke Bruerne.


Once completed and paid for we then set off for Gayton Junction where we reversed into the sanitary station mooring to fill up with water, empty the toilet cassette and get rid of rubbish. Then we set off again for Stoke Bruerne.

Blisworth Tunnel

It was like Piccadilly Circus in Blisworth Tunnel, with 4 boats coming the other way. Why do people try to talk to me in the tunnel as we pass? Don’t they realise I have ear plugs in and can’t hear them! Hahahahahaha.

As we emerged from the tunnel and started to wind in the winding ole, Mike appeared on the trip boat Charlie, so I abandoned the turn and pulled back alongside the towpath until he had completed his trip into the tunnel mouth, reversed out, and turned to return to the Museum for more passengers.

Stoke Bruerne 3

Once he was clear I winded and we reversed back to our usual mooring in the photo.

Stoke Bruerne (2)

We were moored here for last years event, so hopefully we will be ok here for this years. If you know this bit of canal we are opposite the narrow bit, where they can’t moor the historic pairs, so we are nicely out the way.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crick to Flore


Map picture



A 7:55am start this morning got us to the top of Watford Locks ready for when they opened at 9:00am. It gave me a chance to chat to both Terry’s the 2 lock keepers. We were the 2nd boat down and all went well, and we were soon heading for Norton Junction. Once at the junction we turned south and headed for Buckby top lock, expecting we would arrive there and would have to wait for someone to share locks with. To our great surprise there was already a boat waiting, nb Ethel, and we shared the locks with Richard and Wendy, which was very pleasant.

As we passed Anchor Cottage Jo popped in to tell them about the water can we had bought from them with the handle that fell off, just so they are aware to check new stock don’t do the same.

Richard and Wendy pulled into a mooring below the bottom lock. We carried on and moored up just past Stowehill Wand before Flore Lane Bridge No.27. At least we are against the bank, if a tad shallow, but we do have a nice view of this unusual house from our galley window.



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Foxton Locks to Crick.



A very pleasant day, which started cold and dull, but by lunchtime the sun had come out to play, as did the wind too. Quite a few boats moving today, which is surprising as we haven’t seen many over the couple of weeks we have been at Foxton Locks. As the moorings at Crick came into view, there was no one here, so we decided to moor up. Might as well make the most of it whilst wee can.

Today has been a downed tree spotting day.





All 4 have been reported to BW.

Recently I have been sending in fault reports with accompanying photos which seems to be working quite well. It at least gives the teams concerned a chance to see the problem without having to send someone out just to see it.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Harborough Towpathers


Way back in the Spring whilst we were still in Market Harborough Jo and I signed up to join a volunteer group called “Harborough Towpathers”  and today we joined them on one of their volunteer days. We were given a lift by Miles of Paws 4 Walking, the sponsors of the group, and driven to Union Wharf where everyone met. We then set off for Bridge 14, which was the main task of the day. For over 20 years this wooden footbridge has never been painted.


This was us all posing at the bridge before work commenced. First the bridge had to be rubbed down before painting could start. As the bridge is very narrow, and not a lot of room for the army of volunteers assembled, 3 of us set off down the towpath for the one mile walk towards Union Wharf with litter pickers and bin bags, picking up litter. We filled two bin liners with all sorts of rubbish, including the remains of a plastic bucket, and a car’s hub cap! How that got beside the towpath is beyond belief. Amongst all this litter we found 35 bags of dog poo we picked up which had been left in the hedges.


Having got to Union Wharf we turned round and headed back to Bridge 14 and when we rounded the corner we saw this, a nearly finished bridge.


Quite a difference. It was now lunchtime which was the packed lunch we had taken with us. As we were now rather spare to the operation Jo and I returned back to Hadar before the painting was completed but this photo shows the final result, and for anyone who knows Bridge 14 it is now looking very smart.


We enjoyed the day, and we both look forward to helping on further volunteer days in the future.

When we had first arrived at Union Wharf today, and waited for everyone to arrive, I had tried to fit our Post Box, but because the post we are attaching it too was a bit wider than the U bolts I had bought and drilled the holes in the back of the box to fit, they splayed out a bit and no longer lined up with the holes in the box, typical. So I now have to return tomorrow by bus having filed the holes a bit to try to refit it again. I will be taking the file with me just in case.

The good news is that our new BW licences had arrived in the post today, phew.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Foxton Locks Festival


Jo and I have had a great time at this years Foxton Locks Festival. Here are some photos from the festival.


On Friday we helped with setting up the site, this was the main marquee going up.


Once it was we started the put all the tables and chairs inside ready for the stall holders to use, this was Anne the festival organiser enjoying the hard work we were doing.


On Saturday things got going with visitors starting to arrive in the main marquee.


This is Elsie Barge with her stall, she is a friend of Hadar on facebook.


This is me chatting to Beryl McDowell, who I have known from when she used to do the Roses Lime Juice run for Threefellows Carrying.


This was a rather novel catering van called the “Tin Can Toaster” who specialised in toasted sandwiches.


These Alpacas are so cute!


The vikings were doing battle, with lots of dead bodies lying around.


The gallopers were beautiful to behold.


The dodgems were dodging about.


This miniature bus was giving children a bumpy ride the site.


This pair of Shire horses were giving trips to Foxton and back.


I get the feeling Jo would have loved to have had this carriage drawn by the Shire horses for our wedding.


The Fudge Boat was here.


As was the Floating Bookshop.


And the Antiques Boat.


Trevor Maggs was here with Corona.


On Sunday this magnificent organ arrived.


A lot of black clouds passed overhead on both days, but fortunately they did pass over, and someone else got them!


Some of the stalls outside enjoying the sunshine.


The Vikings do battle yet again.


Today is my 59th birthday, I have had a lovely birthday at the festival.


I get my bus pass next year Smile


Friday, September 16, 2011

Setting up the Festival Site


Today has been a busy day for Jo and I. We have been helping setting up the festival site. This morning Jo helped mark out where the outside stalls were to go, and I helped unload the chairs from the lorry, move fire extinguishers, and a few odd jobs. After lunch things really swung into action with the crafts marquee completed enough for us to start moving tables and chairs inside for the stall holders. Quite a huge task, with just over 60 tables and 120 chairs, but everyone knuckled down and we soon had it all set out ready for the arriving stall holders. We then had to move the remaining tables and chairs to the beer tent, which we did using Anne’s van and to save her having to stop what she was doing, which was organise the whole event, I volunteered to drive it for her. With the last few tables moved I now felt completely pooped, so returned to the boat to feed dog and cat. Jo is just finishing off helping direct stall holders to their allocated spots. I think both Jo and I will be sleeping very soundly tonight, to be bright and fresh for tomorrow.

We just hope the weather is going to stay reasonably dry for the weekend.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Foxton Locks Festival Takes Shape



Bright start to Thursday morning, and the Festival site is taking shape nicely.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Another Day Visit to Harborough


With some post to pick up and other stuff to do in Harborough, we set off on the bus again. Amongst the post were the U bolts I ordered so we can attach the post box to the post, another step closer.

Jo had to visit the Royal Mail Sorting office to pick up a parcel she had sent but was never delivered.

Then we had another superb meal at Shagorika for lunch before catching the bus back to Foxton, via the Petrol Station!. Yes it was running out of fuel so we had to make a divert to the petrol station, to top up, a definite first for either of us.

Last night we went to the Foxton Locks Inn for a meal to celebrate our 7th Wedding Anniversary, we both had the Sunday roast which was pork, which was very good.


Thursday, September 08, 2011

Foxton Top Lock Cottage needs Demolishing!


Yesterday we moved Hadar about 100ft closer to the top lock at Foxton. Later in the day we switched the TV on, and our signal had all but gone. We adjusted the aerial, no joy, checked all the connections, still no joy. So we moved back to where we had been, perfect. The reason, the top lock cottage is in the way, so needs knocking down! or a huge hole drilling through it Smile.

Foxton 2

I doubt they will do either. So here we stay for now. Any one know where I can get some dynamite from? Cheap dynamite of course.

Foxton 2b

Now that’s better, more of the excellent view across the countryside.
