Lived on-board Hadar

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Weeks Three and Four of Hadar's Fit Out

Weeks Three and Four have been another exciting time in the fit out of Hadar. Her boatmans cabin is really coming together now as you will see from the photographs. It is so nice to see how the cabin goes together, it is just like putting a jigsaw together when you sit and watch Roger do the woodwork. It is a real work of art when done properly. Keith and I both find it fascinating to watch just how much work goes into fitting out a boat, and it is certainly something we would never have done ourselves.
The beginings of the ticket draw have begun with the frame work.
The platform for the stove is in place and so are the shelves beside the stove. We have yet to buy the stove but we know the one we want.
The cupboard carcass with shelving is now in place, ready for the draw and table top come door to be made and fitted.
Seating and draw space has gone in on the right, and the hide away bed is now going in. We have gone for a four foot wide bed, rather than the 3 foot bed which they had in the original boats, after all we do not want to be cramped.
Roger has begun the doors for the cupboard over the bed which has a shelf running through the middle. Below the bed there will be two draws, so plenty of room for clothing etc.
It is wonderful to have the opportunity to see how our fit out comes together, the benefit is that we will know where every wire, screw and piece of pipe is fitted.