Lived on-board Hadar

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Week Ten

The upper walls of the saloon and the first part of the galley have now been fitted. It is taking shape rather nicely. Despite the sloping roof of the 8 ft saloon there is plenty of headroom. Well there is for Keith and I as we are both short!
The wood panels are ash, with cherry bordering. We have seen the effect on a previous boat Roger built whilst we were moored here, and we rather liked it. The ash will be painted with a thin layer of ivory coloured paint and the grain shows through which we liked.

With the wall lining being completed, work started on the shower/toilet cubicle, and the laundry area. The walls in the shower/toilet cubical are thicker (18mm ply) as these walls will be tiled and need a firm base to be attached to. All the various water pipes needed to be installed as things proceed. With the temporary installing of the major appliances (washing machine, tumble dryer and fridge-freezer) to calculate the bulkhead positions, Keith's calculations were spot on
everything fitted, he had been worried that they would be wrong but these fears were soon dismissed, Pheww!!
Mind you there isn't a lot of room to spare, they all just fit in with millimeters to spare. It is all going to be very snug. We are both so excited it is all our Christmases coming at once.

Over the next week things should really change. So please pop back in to have a look.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Week Nine

What a fantastic week we have just had with the fitout of Hadar. Having chatted to Roger and worked out where we wanted the wiring to go, he set about lining out the main cabin, where the bathroom, utility room, galley and saloon will be. All of it is being fitted into an 18 foot space, so it will be very cosy. Like the boatsmans cabin and engine room the ceiling is tongue and groove timber through out.
It was only whilst seeing the wiring being fitted that you can appreciate how much there is behind those walls! Things are really moving along at a pace. We have gone for down lighters throughout, with switches for pairs of lights, so we do not have to have all the lights on at once. in the galley and saloon, thus giving us the chance to have some mood lighting if we wish.

With all the wiring done. Flooring down and ceiling timber up Roger will be starting to fit the upper walls. By the time I post the next round of photographs you will really see a difference. Keith and I have already sat down and worked out what fixture and fittings we want for the bathroom, galley and saloon. We already have our washing machine, tumble drier, fridge freezer, and cooker. We cannot wait to see them in place, it is very exciting.