Lived on-board Hadar

Monday, January 31, 2011

Crick to Welford Junction

With yet another sharp overnight frost the canal was frozen again this morning, about ¼" thick when we set off, but it soon thickened to about 1" for most of the journey. In all it took 6 hours and 10 minutes which normally takes us about 3½ hours, but at least we did sell a few bags of coal today.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Welford Junction - Crick

It has been a cold journey today, with a thin layer of ice on most of the canal. We did sell a lot of coal, which makes up for it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bridge 14 - Union Wharf - Welford Junction

Yesterday we moved from Bridge 14 into Union Wharf, where we winded before taking on water, emptying the toilet and dumping our rubbish, then moored up on the towpath. We both walked into town, Jo needed fruit & veg shopping, and Keith needed to return his laptop to the shop for repairing.

This morning we were up early as we had to take both Paddy & Marmite back to the vets for their 2nd set of vaccinations. Once that was done we set off for Foxton, through the locks and onto Welford Junction despite it being rather chilly it has been a pleasant days travelling.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Black Horse Bridge - Bridge 14

Following our Tesco delivery this morning and listening online to the auction in which I sold 2 Beatles albums for £35, we headed for Bridge 14 where we will stay overnight. I was expecting to get only about £5 for the 2 records, so a good result, and they have hopefully gone to a good home and someone will be able to appreciate them, rather than them gathering dust onboard.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Foxton Junction - Black Horse Bridge

We moved the very taxing distance from the junction to Black Horse Bridge, it took all of 15 minutes.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Foxton Volunteer Day


This is the signpost at Foxton Junction, which I reported to BW, as the distances on 2 of the 3 arms did not match those shown on the original GJCC mile post next to it. The 2 arms in question have now been removed, as can be seen in the photo, presumably to be corrected, hopefully to match the original GJCC post, I will keep you posted so to speak!!

Today here at Foxton locks there was an open day for people to come and discuss about being volunteer lock keepers during the summer here, and at Watford locks and Stoke Bruerne locks. We both wandered up the flight to the top lock cottage vthis morning to see what was happening, and spent most of the day there, apart from lunch which was much needed hot soup, as it has been a tad nippy today. Quite a few interested people turned up and chatted to the BW staff. Only time will tell if this is going to be a success or not.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Foxton top lock - Debdale - Foxton Junction

With a further thin layer of ice on the canal this morning, we set off down through the locks and headed to Debdale Wharf to fill up with diesel. Whilst there we saw work being carried out on Large Woolwich Aber and very smart she is looking so far. We then returned to Foxton Junction and we will be here for the weekend.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Laughton Hills to Foxton top lock

Overnight frost had left a few patches of very thin ice on the canal this morning, but nothing to worry about, and we are now safely moored above Foxton top lock enjoying the warm sunshine today.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Welford to Laughton Hills (Bridge 51)

A misty and cold morning's run, and with the mist it made it feel even colder than when it was really cold, lol. At least we have a view today.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yelvertoft to Welford

We had a pleasant journey this morning to Welford, the sun even shone for quite a while.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Crick to Yelvertoft

Having had a restful weekend at Crick we moved to Bridge 20 at Yelvertoft this morning. It is the 1st time we have moored here, so after lunch we are going to explore the village.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Welford to Crick

We are now safely moored at Crick and will be here for the weekend. It was great to see some of our regular customers and they were very glad to see us and our coal!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Foxton to Welford.

Hi Folks.

After the joys of escaping Market Harborough yesterday to head to Foxton, today we exceeded all our expectations and have made it to Welford. We had an ice-free run through from Foxton, and only encountered some very thin ice on the Welford Arm. Customers were extremely pleased to see us when we arrived and they are now topped up with coal. Tomorrow we will be heading for Crick.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On the Move at Last!

Early this morning, very early this morning, at 7:00am, halfway through our mushroom on toast, there was a knock on the boat, coal had arrived!

Following loading the 4tonnes of coal into the hold, Keith then winded the boat in the basin and we headed off hoping to get as far as Foxton. The worst of the ice was at bridge 14, the 1st winding point, but after going through the bridge 'ole the ice thinned and by bridge 13 had disappeared and apart from patches here and there we had a virtually clear run through to Foxton.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Coal delivery and a hope to move.

Hi Folks.

The New Year has now past and we have the desire that the ice will disappear quick smart so that we may be on the move.
Wednesday we are expecting another coal delivery at the basin in Market Harborough. Once the delivery is stowed in the hold we have every intention of trying to move, so that we can supply our customers. So if your reading this and you are one of our customers, please keep your fingers crossed. We will be heading your way.

We would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who has popped in to read our blog over the years. We see from the counter we have gone over the 100,000 hits. We now stand at 100427 and counting. That is truly amazing and we thank you all.