Lived on-board Hadar

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Union Wharf to Gallows Hill

Having bought a new pair of going out shoes for Keith this morning, we set off to Gallows Hill, so as to free up a space at the visitor moorings at Union Wharf. Although we could moor there for 48 hours we don't like to stop there if we have no need, stopping other people mooring there. Shame not many other boaters don't think like us. Mind you saying that there were other spaces, but it is the principle of the thing. Not only that, now we have finished our coal run we prefer to moor out in the beautiful countryside.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Foxton Top Lock to Union Wharf

With the threat of rain in yesterdays weather forecast, we set off down through the Foxton locks and onward to Union Wharf for lunch. Hopefully we can get a replacement part for the washing machine ordered today. Yesterday Keith received a voicemail on his phone to say our new prop is ready for despatch, and needs paying for, ouch! there is always a downside, lol.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Symbolds Spinney to Welford to Foxton Top Lock

Definitely a good day for travelling, warm, sunny, no wind. We arrived at Welford, delivered our last few bags of coal, then had lunch at the Wharf Inn. We both had the Haddock, large size, which consists of two pieces of fish instead of one. We both soon polished it off to the surprise of the people on the next table. Then we decided to carry on to Foxton top lock, so it has been a longish day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Washing Machine Strip Down

With another misty start to the morning we decided to strip the washing machine down to find out why it has been misbehaving, whilst waiting to start the next coat of paint on the cabinside. Recent we had problems with running the washing machine, and finding a horrible black sludge trapped in the drain pump filter, and Jo complaining of a horrible smell and smoke coming from the machine. As my smell senses are not the best I took her word for it. So we dragged the machine out into the galley and started taking it apart. Having removed panels, and pipework, I took out the drain pump and whilst drying it with a cloth noticed very black water coming from the rubber ring seal, so I removed the ring, and the black water was coming from behind this, and ultimately from the motor part of the pump. It looks like a new pump is needed, so we have left it out and put the washing machine temporarily in the hold until I can get a replacement pump. Hopefully it won't take too long to source one once we are back in Harborough. Having got as far as I could with this and I started to clear up inside the galley, Jo made a start on the 2nd coat of blue on the cabinside. having finished tidying up I joined Jo outside and put another coat of blue on the large mop pole, and a 1st coat of blue on my 2nd water can.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hadar's Repaint Cont.d

Today we managed to put a 1st coat of the correct blue on the port cabinside and a 2nd coat on the rear bulhead and doors, a very big step in the "Great Repaint" and the one which worried us most, no turning back now!

We are really pleased we decided to change the blue. We have thought about for a long time, not being too sure about doing it ourselves, but it is going well and we are more than pleased with the result. Hadar looks so much better now. It is surprising how the darker shade of blue makes the red stand out more. It will look even better with a good polish when finished.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hadars Exemption

Great News!!!!

We heard yesterday by email that Hadar has her BSS exemption for not having a silencer fitted to her engine. We just have to wait for the letter to arrive by post. We appreciate very much the hard work that Philip Rickett did for us on our behalf representing us at the BSS technical committee.

Hadar's Repaint cont.d

Friday was a great painting day and we spent over 8 hours painting, and got a lot more done than we thought we would. Jo finished blacking the inside of the locker, painted the new blue around the frame of the gas locker hatch, the front cross member below the cratch, front cross member on the forward cabin roof, engine room hatches, rear cabin bulkhead and rear doors and mops. Jo also painted the engine room floor. I completed the sign writing on the 1st water can which is now finished, and put the 2nd coat of primer on the 2nd water can, then prepared the boatmans cabin slide ready for painting. Then between us both we masked up the port cabin side ready to repaint, which we will do today when the mist has cleared and it has warmed up a bit.

Hadar's Repaint cont.d

Thursday was a busy day. We got quite a bit of painting done. Jo touched up the blacking to the bow to give it some protection until we dry dock in May, then we moved to the next winding hole just beyond Bridge 36 and returned to the Symbolds Spinney mooring and Jo touched up the blacking on the other bow. Of course "touch up" is a figure of speech, it needed quite a bit of blacking having broken a lot ice at the end of last year.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Black Horse Bridge, Foxton to Symbolds Spinney Mooring

With misty start which soon cleared to reveal a lovely sunny and warm morning. Glyn the lockie had to help us thorough the locks this morning as they have a section fenced off whilst repairing the damaged pathways alongside the locks. Due to H&S he was the only person allowed in the fenced off area.

We have stopped at a new mooring, near Symbolds Spinney, midway between bridge 38 & 39. We are spending the weekend here painting Hadar, and if this weather holds we may even get the majority of the blue repainted. Jo is inside the gas locker at the moment, blacking the inside. I better go and help!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Union Wharf to Black Horse Bridge, Foxton

What a cracking journey this morning, warm sunshine, birds singing, squirrels and rabbits frolicing. We await our Tesco delivery.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Foxton Locks to Union Wharf

Well summer is definitely here with a warm sunny trip to Union Wharf. We had our last lunch on our voucher at the Angel Hotel. Popped into Hfm studios to pick up our tickets for the battle of the DJ's and for Jo to see the new studios. Received our Census form in the post, which is amazing as we are not on the electoral roll, and even amazed the girl at the Council Offices as we popped in to register for the electoral roll. I wonder how they found us? lol.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hadar's Repaint

Well the great repaint of Hadar started yesterday. With the warm sunshine the conditions were right to make a start on repainting the blue in the correct shade, Lauderdale Blue, so for a while she may be sporting two differents shades, lol. Already we are preferring the correct colour. Jo also painted the forward bulkhead which had been painted in the blue, but we have decided to change it to red oxide as can be seen in the photo.

At the time of Hadar's original painting I could not decide which way to go and opted for the blue, which upon reflection, was the wrong decision. Having changed one side yesterday it already looks much better. It also means where we have the rings on the bulkhead rails, the damage and rust won't show up so much. Also in the photo can be seen the pigeon box and the further cross beam in the new blue.

I have restarted the 1st of my new water cans, just have to sign write the name on the front. I will start the 2nd one today with the 1st coat of primer. I have donated the 2 old ones to the Foxton Canal Museum. This new water can is in the photo.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Foxton Top Lock to Foxton Junction

A fairly uneventful trip down through the locks. We had the new lock keeper Glyn on today, he was getting to know the ins and outs. Now moored up at our favourite spot at the junction opposite Foxton Locks Inn and Bridge 61. We will be here for the weekend.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Watford Locks Stoppage.

The top gate of lock 6 of the Watford locks on the Grand Union canal was temporarily repaired in the summer of 2010. The gate now needs to be replaced and the lock flight will be closed from 21st to 25th March 2011 to allow this work to be done.

There will be no passage through the locks during this time

Laughton Hills to Foxton top lock.

Yet another foggy day, but still a pleasant run to Foxton top lock. We passed Jackie and Ray on RoeHaise heading off to the River Nene, although we may see them at Crick on our return trip.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welford to Laughton Hills

We have moved this morning to Laughton Hills and we would have a lovely view of them if it wasn't for the fog!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Downton Bridge to Welford

We have had a busy morning sell coal on our journey and here at Welford, just over half a tonne. The hold is looking very bare, hopefully we have enough to last us till the end of the month.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Crick to Downton Bridge 36

A superb spring morning's run today. The flowers are starting to appear, along with blossom and leaves on the trees. We are moored at Downton Bridge 36 and it is a lovely afternoon. Marmite is enjoying being able to roll about on the towpath.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Foxton Top Lock to Crick

Having set off late yesterday after Keith collected his new laptop, we were a day behind so we set off early this morning, 6:25am to be precise, and passed Welford junction where we would have normally stopped, at about the time we ould have normally set off, and arrived at Crick after 5¾hrs. It is surprising how much fast Hadar moves when light on coal, about 2 tonnes left, without making any more wash.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Black Horse Bridge to Top of Foxton Locks

Having placed an online order for a new laptop on Tuesday it was due to arrive today, which it did at about 11:30 this morning, so Keith caught the bus into Harborough to pick it up, and upon returning we still had time to deliver some coal and get up through the locks befoer they were shut. Time to play with my new computer now :-))

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Union Wharf to Black Horse Bridge, Foxton.

We winded in the basin, took on water, disposed of rubbish, etc. Then we headed off for Foxton, and Black Horse Bridge where we are awaiting our Tesco delivery later this afternoon.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Foxton to Market Harborough

A nice sunny mornings trip to Union Wharf this morning. There was plenty of space on the towpath moorings, in fact no one else here! We had our second discounted lunch at the Angel Hotel today, 15% off. Did some general shopping, but mostly stocking up with rollers, paint brushes, etc. ready for when we dry dock in May.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Foxton locks

A much brighter start to the morning, so a very pleasant run down through Foxton locks, with one coal deliver at the bottom of the locks. We are now moored up the Harborough arm just after the swing footbridge, where we will be for the weekend and the sun has come out. Paddy thinks he is a terrier, digging down a rabbit hole with no thought about how he was going to get out!! Stupid dog.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Welford to Foxton top lock

Both Jo and I have just had colds, I caught mine from Jo, lol. Having arrived at Welford Tuesday, I crashed out all day yesterday and have almost recovered. Busy morning selling 15 bags of coal on our way to Foxton top lock, this despite it being very raw today. Still nicely tucked up inside in the warm eating cheese on toast, Yum Yum.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Mountain Barn Bridge to Welford Wharf

We are now moored at Welford Wharf. At least it has been dry today if cold. We will spend a couple of days here.