Lived on-board Hadar

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Norton Junction to Bridge 103, Lower Shuckburgh

Yet another cold morning, and an early start too, 6:00am. Braunston tunnel was warm, warmer than outside. Only the top lock at Braunston was against us, which makes a nice change, and we met a few boats travelling up the flight. We moored up near Brass Farthing, the bike shop boat, which was moored between Bridge 108 and Napton junction, and awaited Graham to turn up, which he did early than promised, and we sold my bike to him, chatted for a bit, then Tom on Archimedes arrived and Jo chatted briefly to him, ordering some toilet blue to be delivered with our next coal delivery. Tom zoomed off, as he has to be in London tomorrow, not bad as he only set off from Ellesmere Port Tuesday morning. He and James are doing 12 hour shifts, running both day and night. James has the night shift. We winded at Napton junction, to pass Andy from facebook going the other way. We have moored up near bridge 103, with a great view across the countryside for another long weekend, all we need now is the weather.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Crick to Norton Junction

Bit of a late start at 8:40am this morning, but we weren't too bothered as Watford locks didn't open till 8:30am. We arrived there to be number 3 going down, but we had to wait for four boats to come up. The lock keepers have spruced up the outside of their office at the top lock with bunting and union jacks, very festive for the forthcoming wedding.

Having cleared the locks we decided to overnight at Norton junction and get an early start tomorrow morning for Braunston, hopefully to avoid the queues at the locks! I will let you know tomorrow if we were successful.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Foxton Locks to Crick

What a difference in the weather today, we are back to winter conditions, brrrrr. WE set off from Foxton locks at 8:00am and arrived at Crick at 1:45pm, not a bad run, despite every man and his dog out on the water, especially at bridge 'oles. We visited Richard and Chrissie in Digitalis to pass on a letter that had arrived at Union Wharf for them, yes we now into postal services, :-)

Then we walked into Crick village to do some shopping at the Post Office and Co-op. On the way back I snapped this shot of the spread of dandelions on the path back to the canal. Someone needs to spread a bit of Weedol around me thinks!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Summer Sunshine

What another cracking day weatherwise. It has been a very busy weekend here at Foxton locks. Even the lock keepers have never seen so many visitors. They had to open up the overflow car park and that filled up! We are now looking forward to setting off tomorrow for fields anew once we get past the winding hole at the M1 bridge above Watford locks.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hadar Trading Company

Hadar all set up for trading at the top of Foxton locks. We managed to sell a few items, the most popular were Jo's hand knitted dish cloths, and the signs we had which say "Lovely lady and grumpy old man live here" sold out! Mind you we only had 3 to start with to see how they go. We obviously need to stock up on them if they sell that well. It was interesting that it was the ladies passing by who noticed them and thought they were funny. Says it all really.

Jo spent most of the afternoon knitting more dish cloths to keep up with the demand, they were selling faster than she could knit them!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Union Wharf to Foxton Top Lock

We finally broke free from the magnetic pull, that seems to try to keep us in Harborough, this morning on what was to be a hot and sunny days trip. Having arrived at the bottom fo Foxton locks we were 5th in the queue, awaiting for the boats coming down the hill. It took us an hour to clear the locks, which normally takes as 45, so not too bad really. We are now moored at the top of the locks where we will be for the long weekend, hopefully selling lots of stuff.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Repaired Washing Machine

Our repaired washing machine was returned this morning. The delivery man showed us the damaged spider and drum as can be seen in the photo. the spider was so corroded that one of the arms had split.


Happy Birthday Jo

I want to wish my lovely wife a Happy Birthday today. We are having a meal out tonight at the Waterfront restaurant here at Union Wharf.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Washing Machine Repairs

I have just had a phone call to say the replacement parts for our washing machine have arrived, and will be fitted this afternoon. We decided to return to Harborough today so we are ready for the washing machine to be delivered in the morning.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The last piece of old blue has now gone with the painting of the cants on the stern, Hadar is now sporting her full correct colour scheme, albeit we still need to apply a few more coats, but at least she is all the same colour blue now.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Logan Street Wharf to Gallows Hill

Our washing machine was collected this morning, so we decided to head out into the countryside to await its repair. Hopefully we will get a first coat of the new blue on the starboard cabinside, which is the last bit that needs painting. Well when I say last, not quite, the cants need painting, but we can't do them until we go into dry dock and have to take the rear fenders off.

Well we did get the first coat on, and apart from a further 2 coats to go on, and the cants, Hadar is now looking like she should do, and we are so glad we decided to change the blue.

Just before I started to paint I received a phone call about our washing machine, they had found the spider (whatever that is) was corroded and needed replacing. One has been ordered and we await the phone call to say it has been delivered and fitted.

We have decided not to wait for dry docking to paint the cants, if the weather is fine tomorrow we will start on them and just paint around the fender chains for now.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Swans a Nesting

Our local pair of swans have started to build their nest. We weren't too sure if they were going to this year, but I spotted them building and photographed them.
Both of them inspecting their work so far.

One of them building the nest, this may be the Pen.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Union Wharf to Logan St. Wharf

Another of those really taxing journeys, which took all of 5 minutes. Although we had intended to head off this morning, following a great night out last night at the "Battle of the DJ's" to raise much needed money for the local radio station Hfm now that their funding has been cut, we are now having to hang around in Harborough to get our washing machine fixed, which is still not working right. At least we are in no rush.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


We have had a lovely day in Leicester today. We went up by bus this morning, to do some shopping, before setting off on our summer cruising, for some essentials. I upgraded one of our internet dongles, as the original one that Jo had been using was a bit temperamental at times, and hopefully the new one, which I am using will run better with Windows 7, which it seems to be doing so far. Jo has my original dongle, which performs much better on her laptop than her old dongle, which has been consigned to the drawer as a spare. We had lunch at our favourite Chinese buffet restaurant, excellent as always, one of only a few I know that can actually cook their beef dishes, and it isn't chewy like rubber. There was a continental market on today, and there were many stalls in the main streets, selling their wares. We did buy some much needed new clothing for the forthcoming summer, socks, underwear and polo shirts, which was the major reason for our trip to the city. On the way home we shared the bus with Peter who, with Ann his wife, live in one of the apartments at Union Wharf.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Logan Street Wharf to Union Wharf

This morning we went to the auction at Gildings and I bid on and bought a set of 3 graduated Measham jugs. Jo was less successful with her choice of lot, a pile of lace tablecloths and various bits and pieces of lace, along with a lacemakers cushion and all the bobbins. She had set herself a limit of £40, but they went for £250, a tad more than she was prepared to pay. Upon returning to the boat we decided to wind in the basin and moor on the towpath, ready for our Tesco delivery tomorrow. A really taxing journey.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Clarkes Bridge to Logan Street Wharf

After the last few hot days, this morning had a chill to it. We set off and moored at Logan Street Wharf just outside Union Wharf. We went to the inaugaral meeting of a volunteer group who hope to adopt the towpath from Union Wharf to Bridge 14 to keep it tidy, and do some general maintenance. The adoption is being sponsered by Polly and Miles of Paws 4 Walking, as they and their staff regularly use the canal towpath for their dog walking, and as a responsible company who like to look after the canal towpath, for all to enjoy, but regularly notice how many dog owners are not very caring about what their dogs do and where. But not just dog mess, general litter, etc. as of course the council are not responsible for maintaining the towpath in a clean condition, like they are wth the streets and pavements. There was an enthusiastic turnout upstairs at the Waterfront Restaurant. There were representatives from the local BW land crew, whose responsibility for running such volunteer groups comes within their jurisdiction, as they will be supplying the hardware, any necessary training, and of course the necessary H&S regulations, they had quite a bit to say. There were many questions from the floor, and at the end of the meeting many of us set off down the towpath with the BW staff, to look at what needed to be done initially and in the future. In all a very productive morning, and a lot of enthusiasm was very noticable. Jo and myself of course are restricted to only being around during the winter, but I am sure our help will be most appreciated when we can offer it. We will be moored at Logan Street Wharf until Saturday morning.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hadar's New Summer Curtains

For nearly 4 years now, ever since we moved onboard, Jo has been looking for the right material for a set of summer curtains for the boatman's cabin. Last week in Harborough she found what she has been looking for, and today finished making them. Don't they look grand. Paddy looks very impressed.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Even More Painting

Yet another busy day painting today. Jo put another coat of dark blue gloss on the cratch, a further coat of the new blue on the port engine room doors and frame, and the starboard engine room hatch. I did further touching up of the coachline between the red an blue on the cabinsides, then finished off the 2nd water can's sign writing, and gave the headlamp case a coat of black. Good thing I did too, as I discovered that the cable connection in the deck plug was next to useless, and I wondered how it ever worked! Yesterday evening we both set about putting back the ribbon and lace plates behind the boatman's cabin stove, rearranging them and getting more in the space with them sorted our properly, and not the higgledy piggledy mix previously. Today Jo finished the stove area off, giving the stove a coat of blacking, and the copper kettle even got a much needed polish, and very smart it all looks too. Keith.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

More Painting

Jo and I have been busy today painting. Jo put a 3rd coat of the new blue on the port cabinside and boatman's cabin bulkhead, a 2nd coat on the starboard engine 'ole frame and a 1st coat on the top of the boatman's cabin slide, then a coat of white also on the slide. I painted the white bands and the edge of the pouring spout on the 2nd water can, which is now ready for sign writing, and a coat of the new blue on the bucket. Jo is now painting the bow blue.

Water Cans & Bucket

Boatman's Cabin Slide

Newly Painted Bow

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

New Mop for Hadar

This is the new mop that Jo and I completed today. Jo has spent a few days painting the pole, and today we fitted the home made mop head. Many thanks to Tina who told Jo how to make this type of mop head.

Black Horse Bridge to Clarkes Bridge

Having done some boat painting, made a new mop, and our Tesco delivery arrived, we returned to the mooring at Clarkes Bridge where we will be for the weekend, and hopefully a sunny one.

Clarkes Bridge to Black Horse Bridge

We winded at Foxton Junction, then returned to Black Horse Bridge ready to pick up our Tesco delivery later this afternoon. The wind that was supposed to have eased overnight hasn't. I am convinced it will not go now until we have taken on coal, so it will remain whilst we are bow light and vulnerable to wind. Be prepared for a long period of wind as we not taking on coal for a long time. Keith.

Bow well out of the water.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Bridge No. 14 to Clarkes Bridge No. 5

Keith had his crown fitted this morning, a gold one this time. After lunch we then set off for Clarkes Bridge, despite the strong winds best effort to make life difficult.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Foxton Junction to Bridge 14.

Another windswept trip this morning, to the Old Union Canal moorings at Bridge 14. Before we set off, we were present at the unveiling of the Transport Trust plaque at the Foxton Canal Museum.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Would You Fish Here?

If you were given fishing peg 22, would you fish here?

Gallows Hill to Foxton Junction.

For the first time in nearly four years since we started out on Hadar we had to use a pole to get off a mooring, it was blowing a hooley!!! Keith tried his usual trick which normally works of leaving the stern tied to a mooring ring and runnning astern, but she was having none of it, so Jo had to pole the bow out, which was no mean feat. Having cleared the mooring the wind dropped so much so that having got to Foxton Junction Keith winded before mooring up on the far side of Rainbow bridge, which he wasn't going to do the the strong wind we had experienced. We are now here for the weekend.