Lived on-board Hadar

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2016 Trip Summary

Our trip this year took 14 weeks 6 days, we travelled 454.7 miles, passed through 305 locks in 230 hours.


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Radford Semele to Saltisford Arm

Short trip from Radford Semele to Leamington Spa, where we went for a celebratory lunch (to celebrate having had a great trip) at our favourite Chinese Buffet.


Then moved an even shorter distance to moor outside Morrison's, but went shopping at Aldi.


Then we set off on our final leg to our home mooring in the Saltisford Arm. As much as we both have had a great time this year, it is nice to be back home.


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Napton Junction to Radford Semele.

Delay to start with at Calcutt locks with a nearly empty pound, but the 2 boats in front sorted that out, although we have followed these 2 boats all the way down, so all 23 locks were against us!


We shared some of the Stockton locks with a nice couple who joined us as we waited for them at the 2nd lock down, and we left them at Blue Lias as they wanted water. I think this lock cottage would look perfect without the TV antenna and satellite dish!


I spotted these models behind Welsh Road lock cottage.


Moored near the winding hole at Radford Semele.



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tusses Bridge to Napton Junction

A long day today, nearly 10 hours cruising. A short stop at Midland Chandlers to get the items we have had a list of for the past year. Now moored just short of Napton junction.



Monday, June 20, 2016

Atherstone Bottom Lock, to Tusses Bridge No.4 on the North Oxford Canal, Just South of Hawkesbury

We passed Martin Fuller on "Cutter" closely followed by Joe Fuller on "Pinner", returning from the steam rally in Coventry.


Now moored at Tusses Bridge No.4 on the North Oxford canal, just south of Hawkesbury.



Sunday, June 19, 2016

Alvecote to Atherstone Bottom Lock.

We have had to start moving again today as we have a cooling problem with our generator, which is either a blocked pipe or the water pump has failed. I am leaning towards the blocked pipe theory as it has gradually got worse, and if a water pump is going to fail it usually starts squealing, well in cars it does. We can easily sort it out once we get back to our mooring in Warwick. Now moored below Atherstone bottom lock.



Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hopwas to The Samuel Barlow, Alvecote Marina

We set off from Hopwas this morning, keeping our fingers crossed for the weather. It is good to see they have completed the buildings at Fazeley junction.




The River Tame is in good flow!


We have moored up opposite “The Samuel Barlow” at Alvecote Marina.


Having had a great lunch meal at “The Samuel Barlow” we sat watching the England – Wales football match on the big television, and along came Martin Fuller on “Cutter” and Joe Fuller on “Pinner”, I wasn’t quick enough to catch Martin with my camera, but just about caught Joe, darn useless camera!.


After the match finished we went and had a cuppa with Rod on “Biddie” and as we were leaving to go back to “Hadar” I just about managed to photo this rather large Carp in the marina.



Wednesday, June 15, 2016

King’s Orchard Marina to Hopwas.

The rain stopped at 1:00pm so we set off. Just as we got into Hopwas by “The Tame Otter”, it started again. Just managed to get moored up without getting too wet! Pity we had a salad at lunch time.



Monday, June 13, 2016

Great Haywood to Rugeley Bridge No.67.

Short trip today to Rugeley, Bridge No.67. Food shop at Aldi done, cat food shop at Tesco done, lunch, courtesy of Aldi, is in the oven, if the rain that has started has stopped after lunch then we will wander around the town.



Saturday, June 11, 2016

Floating Market at Great Haywood.

Yesterday morning we took a walk along the floating market, chatting to the various traders. At lunchtime we went to the Clifford Arms. I returned to Hadar to pick up our 2 axes for Dave on Anon to make us some leather axe head covers, and then the heavens opened accompanied by thunder and lightning, and despite our best efforts we got drenched.





It stopped raining sometime during the night. The River Trent is flowing well this morning.


Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Stone to Great Haywood Junction

Good start to the day, picking up our new top plank from Roger Fuller, who had arranged for it to be delivered to his yard. Had a quick chat with Martin Fuller at the yard. Then things went downhill with queues at the locks. What was supposed to be a short day ended up as 6½ hours! Still Stuart and Dawn are moored here at Great Haywood junction, where we have moored for the night, so we had tea and cake with them when we got here.



Thursday, June 02, 2016

Etruria Canals Festival, Thursdays Preparations

Today we moved to our allotted mooring for the Etruria Canals Festival, just below the staircase locks at the start of the Caldon canal, alongside narrowboats Birmingham, Marquis and Cassiopeia. Quite a few boats now assembled already. more expected tomorrow.



Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Endon to Etruria

A cooler day today, but at least it wasn't raining. Good run though, with only the middle lock at Stockton Brook against us, makes a change. Sad to have left the Caldon Canal, we have had such a great time, but looking forward to our next visit. Now moored at Etruria ready for the Etruria Canals Festival this coming weekend.

