Lived on-board Hadar

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday's Rambling

Hiya everyone.

With us sitting here in Market Harborough Basin, twiddling our thumbs. It is always lovely to see a friendly face and today was no exception. Roy from NB Gerald came and paid us a visit, as he was on his way to do some shopping in Market Harborough. We sat down with our coffees and enjoyed catching up with all of his and our news. It is always wonderful to see Roy and his whippet Thomas, who is a delight and gets on very well with Paddy. Thomas managed to put Marmite in her place, which makes a nice change, because normally Marmite is the one putting dogs in their place, which includes Paddy. I had a dental appointment to go to and Roy needed to get some shopping down, so we said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways.

I had my dental check-up, and all was well. he does not want to see me again for a year. Keith thought he had his dental appointment at 2.20pm to have a filling replaced, so we went and had a fantastic scrummy lunch at The Angel Hotel. They have started a new lunch time menu, where you can have two courses for £7.95. Keith had Pork Loin, with roasties, veg and apple sauce, then Sticky Toffee Pudding with Custard. I had Chicken Fillet with a Peppercorn Sauce on a bed of Mash with veg, then a Lemon and Blueberry Square ( like cheese cake) with Clotted Cream Ice Cream. To say it was scrummy is an under statement. Definitely a place to eat.

We just arrived back at the boat, when snow began to fall once more. So we have battened down the hatches, and will see just how much we get this time. At the moment it is not settling.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter is hanging on.

Hi Readers.

Winter has certainly not finished with us yet. Yesterday it snowed all afternoon and into the evening. We were left with about 6 inches of snow covering the ground and conditions on the roads were incredibly dangerous, because the gritters were not out early enough according to one of our customers who came to get a bag of coal on his way home from work. Keith and I love the snow. it was beautiful to see it falling and laying.

This morning began dry, but it was not long before snow was falling again. Keith and I were up early as we had an appointment with Keith's GP. The walk down to the surgery was very picturesque in the snow, but very difficult for drivers, because of the amount of slush on the roads. Keith's GP was unable to offer us any comfort about getting Keith seen sooner for his exploritory operation. Yesterday I rang the hospital to see how we stood on an appointment, because it has been a week since we saw the consultant and had heard nothing. I was told that it would not be until April/May, because their is a waiting list for Urgent procedures, with at least 12 other people in front of Keith. I was also told that the consultant is away much of March and April on holiday, so we have to sit and wait and Keith has to cope with the pain. Keith's GP has told him to keep taking the Anti-Inflammatories and the Morphine, but if the pain gets to out of hand, then Keith can call an ambulance and go into hospital. So that is an update on Keith and the weather.

Have a lovely weekend.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Keith Update.

Firstly good morning to everyone.

As many of you know, we had an appointment at the hospital on Thursday 11th February. We were fortunate to see the head man of Urology. He is concerned that Keith is in so much pain and wants him back in for an exploritory operation to try and find out what is causing this pain. The Consultant did have to admit, that Keith's condition is very, very rare and he has no idea at the moment how to treat him. He wants Keith in urgently, we wonder how soon that will be?
At least progress is being made, and the Consultant is taking this seriously. Being on Morphine is not ideal as it is addictive, so the sooner they sort him out the better.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Coal delivery

Good morning friends.

Hadar has a hold full of coal again. Paul Hill and Chris from W.G Hill & Son Coal Merchants, delivered 5 tonne of coal early this morning and I stacked it neatly, so I am now sitting nice and low in the water again. Keith very kindly made us all a coffee, which we enjoyed with an Eccles Cake. Bring on this cold weather, as we now have plenty of fuel onboard. It is snowing as I type wooooo.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Keeping Busy

Hi folks.

As you will know if you have been keeping up to date with our blog. We are moored up at Market Harborough Basin, because Keith is not well and is waiting to go into Hospital. Until he is better we are staying put. But this has not stopped us from being busy. Keith is rampant at the moment making Rag Rugs. It helps take his mind off of the pain he is in. Not even the Morphine is completely killing the pain, so he needs a distraction. We have an appointment at the hospital next week and sincerely hope that they will decide to take him in.
As for me, I have been getting lots of boat jobs done. A couple of days ago, I rollered some blacking back on to the bow. It had been chipped off with us plowing through the ice before Christmas and it was really my first opportunity to put it back on. The bow is sitting quite high out of the water, because we are low on coal at the moment. Another delivery of coal is expected next week hopefully. So there was I laying on my stomach, rolling some blacking around the bow. It does look much better and now the bow is protected, when it goes back down in the water.
Today because the sun was out and it felt like Spring. I started Spring cleaning the back cabin, by washing one of the crocheted blankets. I also started cleaning the brass again outside. It has been a good 3 months since I cleaned the brass. Mainly due to the weather, but also because of the smoke from the fires. Both the weather and the smoke tarnish the brass work, so it is hardly worth the effort to keep it clean. But today I bit the bullet and started cleaning it again. I do so love it when it shines. But you can bet your bottom dollar it will rain again now. I have also been kept on my toes, by customers coming to collect their coal, which has been lovely. Keith and I get to have a natter with them and catch up on all their news.
So although we are not going anywhere for the time being, we are not sitting around doing nothing.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Another Rag Rug

Keith has just completed another rag rug, a larger one this time, all in pastel colours. No time to lose, as he has to start the next one to build up a good stock to sell this summer.