Lived on-board Hadar

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shardlow to Loughborough

We are now moored at Loughborough Wharf, 11.8miles 8 locks. It has been a lovely first run up the River Soar from the Trent, and as per usual as soon as we hit broad locks, not another boat in sight to share them with.

Having moored up at the Wharf, I heard something hit the roof of the boat, so I jumped out of the boat, to see a couple of school kids walking off. They had also thrown stones at another boat.
Soon after that the 3 other boats that were moored up left, So we decided to move out of the wharf after I did a small shop at Sainsbury's, as we didn't fancy staying there on our own overnight. We have now moved to Miller's Br.34, 1.1miles no locks, to a nice countryside mooring just outside Loughborough. We both feel a lot happier now we are out in the country.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Swarkestone to Shardlow

We left Swarkestone at 8.35am on a misty Autumn morning, and had a pleasant cruise. We are now moored above Derwent Mouth lock 6.8miles 4 locks, as there were no free moorings in Shardlow. We will have to leave visiting there to another time. We could walk back into Shardlow but Keith still hasn't fully recovered from being poorly and feels knackered despite having done nothing all morning, apart from steering the boat of course. So we will visit Shardlow another time, when it is quieter and Keith is 100%.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Branston to Swarkestone

Having left Branston at 7am this morning. We have found a nice countryside mooring near Swarkestone. We had a nice 11.8 mile cruise with 3 locks. We got to share Stenson lock with Narrowboat Blakeney this morning. We are settled in now having lunch and ready to watch the F1 qualifying at 2pm.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Alrewas to Branston

The mooring at Alrewas was rather nice as was the time we spent at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas. We walked there, which was a little scary along the A38. Having arrived somewhat shattered, we found out that we could have caught a bus grrrr. So after an emotional walk around the Arboretum, we caught a bus back to the village for £1 each. If you have never visited the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas, you should go, it is an amazing place.
We are now moored near the "Bridge Inn" at Branston, where the pickle comes from, 5.2miles 4 locks. We have had some engine overheating problems again today, so whilst we pulled into Barton Marina to buy a replacement pole, I took the thermosta...t out. There is an air lock somewhere and I just can't seem to shift it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fradley to Alrewas

Hadar is now moored at Alrewas, 2.3miles 7 locks. Overnight someone stole our boat pole. I hope they realise that with a fully loaded working boat we are now left very vulnerable to getting stuck especially in this shallow canal, and then having to call BW to... rescue us, using up valuable BW finances. We just hope we can get a replacement soon, hopefully at Sawley. Some people are very thoughtless.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great Haywood to Fradley.

With Keith feeling much better, we decided to move off and head for Fradley. There were plenty of boats moving in the opposite direction, but none of them held us up to much. We are now moored above Shade House lock, Fradley 11.6miles 2 locks. We went hard aground as we approached the moorings and it took ages to get off, even with the assistance of a young man on his bike, but we got there eventually. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Unwell at Great Haywood.

Our journey on to the Leicester Section of the Grand Union for our winter coal run, has been delayed by ill health.
On Tuesday when we arrived below Great Haywood Lock, Keith said he was feeling unwell. He was finding it difficult to pass water and felt as if he had a temperature. On Wednesday morning he was at the doctors in Great Haywood and was put on antibiotics for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), which is uncommon in men and can be dangerous for a them. Thursday he looked to be improving, but come the afternoon he took a downward turn, with his temperature exploding and he then developed uncontrollable shakes, which made breathing difficult. I immediately called an ambulance and within 2 minutes paramedics were on hand to help him out. Keith had a temperature of 106 degrees F, and was very poorly. They took him into Stafford General Hospital, where he was put on a drip to rehydrate him and bloods were done. His bloods came back clear, which was good, because it meant the infection was water born and not in his blood. With Keith rehydrated, they allowed him back to the boat later in the evening. We came home by taxi and settled in for the evening. After a restless night, Keith is feeling a little better and his temperature is much more acceptable, but I think we will stay put in case he needs further help. I am now waiting for the BW mooring warden to call me back, as we are on a 48 hour mooring and not moving. I have seen the doctor this morning and she does not want us going anywhere, as they want to keep an eye on Keith.
So we are not going far at the moment. I will keep you posted if anything changes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The year flows on and so do we.

Having enjoyed a wonderful summer, cruising with friends, seeing new places and meeting new friends, we finished up back in Stone at Roger Fuller's boatyard, to have some bits and pieces done on the boat.

As of this morning we said our goodbye's and have now left Stone and are moored at Upper Burston Br.86, 3.6miles 5 locks, one of our favourite mooring places. Keith even managed to get through dodgey Br.86 without hitting anything for the first time ever, lol.

We are now making our way towards the Leicester Section of the GU, which will be our home for the winter as we start our winter coal run at the beginning of October until the end of March. You can follow our whereabouts on Facebook as Hadar has her own Fan Club. We both hope that everyone has enjoyed a good boating summer, we know we have.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Don't forget we have opened up a Facebook page for Hadar,
if you want to keep up with our news and location.