Lived on-board Hadar

Friday, October 30, 2009

Another News Update on Keith.

Wonderful news is always followed by not so great news and that came yesterday morning, when the Urologist had a change of heart about taking Keith to theatre. He was on the list for the afternoon. The surgeons had an x-ray meeting and he was one of the patients they chatted about, and it was decided that further investigation was needed. But not before there was arguements between the nursing staff as to whether he was or was not going. Total confusion rained until finally at 2pm he was taken down to theatre, where they did an internal scan and a biopsy. He came back to the ward at 4.15pm wide awake and very happy. I was just relieved that he was alright and that they had looked after him. So with no news on results last night at 6.30pm when I left him, I went back up to the hospital at 7.30am this morning to finally see his consultant.
The news today so far is that if he remains well over the weekend they will allow him home on Monday. We then have to wait for 2 weeks to get the results of the biopsy. We will go up to the clinic for that. So finally they have done something that will show what is wrong with him. The Urology Consultant told us this morning, that it is very unusual what Keith has and therefore they are not sure yet what they are dealing with. He is still going with the cyst idea, but we shall see.Thank you for all your messages of support, it has been a great help.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Exciting update.

Just as I was preparing myself for an early start for tomorrow. Keith rang me to tell me that there will be no operation tomorrow.
What I hear you cry.... You told us he was going down as an Emergency.
Well as of this lunch time that was the case. But this evening Keith's Urologist came up to see another patient and paid Keith a visit. The Urologist had seen the MRI scan, and the decision has been taken that Keith does not now need to go to theatre. It appears the Antibiotics are working, and therefore they do not see the need for surgery at this point in time. Which is such a relief. Because it was a quick visit, Keith will find out more in the morning, when he see's him properly. So at last we are getting some good news. I will keep you posted.

Keith Update.

Over the past few days. Keith has been pushed, prodded and scanned to within an inch of his life. He has also been filled with antibiotics and pills until he rattles. At night he takes nine tablets before bed. Yesterday he was given an MRI scan, which was another step up the very long staircase, which we have both been climbing since he was taken into Kettering Hospital on the 19th October. Hoping that the doctor would be around with the results this morning, I was up early. In fact I was awake at 4.30am, like every other morning since he has been in hospital, so got Paddy and Marmite organised and went to the train station to catch the 8.16am train to Kettering. Five minutes before its due arrival, it was announced it had been cancelled due to signal failure. On talking to another passenger, they told me the same thing had happened yesterday. This meant that I missed seeing Keith's doctor, because I had to wait for the next train. I do understand these things happen, but it was annoying. Anyway I had a lovely visit with Keith. There was no news on the MRI scan results, they should be known later on this afternoon. But the doctor did tell Keith that he is booked on the emergency theatre list for tomorrow, but it will only happen if another emergency does not come in. Such as a road traffic accident or such like. So can everyone pray that there are no such emergencies please. Keith is in good spirits and lapping up the attention from the nurses. The ward he is now in Pretty B, has 4 other male patients in it, 3 of which are waiting to go home. So it is really quiet and he has been able to get plenty of sleep. Well that is when he is not being woken up for his tablets and temperature being taken. So that is where we are at the moment. We are making slow progress, but at least it is progress. I cannot wait to have him home. Kettering Hostpital is excellent and they have certainly been looking after Keith well. They are also very strict on hygiene, with the threat of Swine Flu, MRSA etc. His ward only allows visitors for an hour each evening from 6pm to 7pm. They have given me special permission to go up in the mornings, because of my circumstances. Another wonderful service they offer free of charge is egreeting cards, which is a great way to get around the postal strikes and paying postage LOL. I will post again when I have more information. But for now. No matter where you are, take care and stay safe.

Monday, October 19, 2009

In hospital.

I have spent all day at Kettering hospital with Keith today. He was taken in at 6.30am this morning, after being in extreme pain through the night. He was taken into A&E and then went up on to the Surgical Admissions Unit, where he was seen by a doctor. He is seeing a Urologist tomorrow. Keith was put on a drip for fluids and antibiotics, which we hope will improve his condition, as all the other antibiotics have failed to work, for the water infection he was told he had back in September. He has an infection but they are not sure where yet. Until he is better, the coal run has been put on the back burner. But we will get back in the stride as soon as we can. At the moment my concern is for Keith.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Market Haborough.

Keith and I enjoyed the parade from Foxton to Market Harborough. It took place on a bright sunny morning. Top hat and tails, boatwoman's bonnets and boatsman's attire were the order of the day. It was so nice to see people dressing up for the 200th Anniversary Parade. Hadar was fourth in the parade, behind Vagabond carrying the band, the horse boat Vixen and Laplander the steam boat. All other pleasure craft followed on behind us. Along the way people waved and took their photos. It was a wonderful sight. Arriving at Union Wharf in Market Harborough, the procession of boats was greeted by a fantastic crowd of gongoozlers. Edward Garnier MP and Roger Helmer MEP unveiled a plaque with information about the wharf. With all the speeches over with, we all then paraded down the hill to the Angel Hotel where we were given a sumptious lunch. We were all seated in the very same room that was used for the celebration meal in 1809. On the menu, was local smoked trout, with a salad and horse radish sauce, followed by game casserole, with a herb dumpling, vegetables and roat potatoes, pudding was Bread and Butter Pudding with custard. It was a fabulous meal and everyone had a fantastic time. I am unable to post pictures at this time as our signal here in the basin is poor.

Since the event we have not left the basin, because Keith has been poorly. His water infection reared its ugly head again, and on the Monday he was seeing a GP at the Medical Centre. The doctor has put him on antibiotics again. Keith is also having treatment to sort out a bowel problem caused by his previous antibotics which were given to him at Great Haywood. I will not go into details, but will just say that Keith is in a lot of pain at the moment and it is a bit of a worry. We have not been able to progress with our coal run, which is unfortunate. People have been very understanding and have been coming to us for their coal. Debbie at Canaltime has been wonderful in letting us stay in the basin. Keith is seeing the GP again on Monday morning, so we will see what she has to say. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

We are now at Foxton.

We are now moored at Foxton, 9.8miles 12 locks, all ready for the celebrations this coming Saturday, having spent today's jaunt in the company of Pat and Terry on their narrowboat Victoria, who are also at Foxton for Saturday's events.

We are taking part in the Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Union Canal 200th anniversary, Foxton Locks to Market Harborough Basin, Leics. To celebrate its 200th anniversary, the Old Unions Canal Society will be holding a re-enactment of the 1809 opening of the Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Union Canal to Market Harborough. At 10am boats will leave from Foxton Locks, arriving at Market Harborough basin by 11.30am. From there at 12.30pm there will be a parade from the canal basin to the Angel Pub. Hadar is one of the main parade boats, she will behind Vagabond, which is carrying the band, then Vixen the horse boat, followed by Laplander the steam boat and then Hadar. All other boats will follow on behind. It should be a wonderful event, so if you have time to spare, why not come along.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

King's Lock to Kilby Bridge.

Is now at Kilby Bridge for the day so we can go food shopping. We have had our first coal sales of the winter coal run on the Leicester Section of the Grand Union Canal and are looking forward to a great winter, getting to know our new customers.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Is now at King's Lock

After a few trying days, what with Keith still being under the weather and Hadar over heating, we seem to have sorted out both problems. This is all that remains of our Impeller, no wonder Hadar's engine was getting hot under the collar. We have replaced the Impeller and now her engine is very happy.
After a lovely days cruising along the River Soar, we are now moored above King's lock. We met up with NB Forever Young earlier at the Castle Garden moorings in Leicester, where we had lunch. On arriving at King's Lock we enjoyed a coffee and something to eat at the Tearoom by the lock. It was a real treat after a trying time of late, but all is fine now. Hadar is cooling nicely and Keith is almost back to normal.