Lived on-board Hadar

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Consall Forge to Endon.

A very busy journey today, seems everyone has decided to move their boats today, even Alyson Smedley commented as to how many boats were moving, as we briefly pulled alongside Skylark for a quick chat. We are now moored back outside the Stoke Boat Club at Endon.



Monday, May 30, 2016

Froghall Basin, to Consall Forge.

This morning we said our goodbyes to Froghall Basin. Before setting off we had cleared the roof of all the bits that wouldn’t go under the tunnel. Having got through we then moved 2 tonnes of coal back from the front of the hold to reduce the cavitating, and refitted everything back on the roof. We were fortunate enough to have timed our arrival at Consall Forge to coincide with the steam train.


Having moored up outside The Black Lion, Jo managed to get her ultimate photo of the steam train passing in between Hadar and The Black Lion.



Sunday, May 29, 2016

Kingsley Falconry Centre Walk.

Today Jo packed a picnic lunch and we headed off for a 4½ mile walk, which started along the towpath back toward Consall Forge. A footpath leaves the towpath and crosses the River Churnet via this bridge, and then under the railway bridge behind it.


I just about managed to catch the steam train crossing the bridge.


The footpath is quite a steep climb up, but the view across the Churnet valley is worth it.


The footpath then passes behind the Kingsley Falconry Centre, but we could not see any of the falcons Sad smile.



The footpath then crosses fields, one of which had some cows in it, and one of them was this fine looking Jersey.


Then further along we came across this rather friendly horse.


The donkey kept it’s distance!


The Shetland pony was also very friendly.


We carried on towards the village of Kingsley, saying goodbye to the 2 horsey chums.


Once in Kingsley village we then walked along the A52 towards Froghall, then the lane back to the Falconry Centre, and back onto the footpath back to the River Churnet, where we sat on the river bank and had our picnic.


As can be seen I am growing my hair long again, it is a bit straggly at the moment, but give it time. We did see a kingfisher fly past us, but it was too quick for us to photograph. We then returned to the towpath and back to Froghall basin.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Churnet Valley Railway

Jo and I had a trip on the Churnet Valley Railway today, from Kingsley & Froghall Station. The train was hauled by TKh49 no. 2944 "Hotspur" a Polish engine, which was a bit different from a UK engine, made a pleasant change.


Unfortunately the battery in my camera failed at this point Sad smile , but the trip on the train was most enjoyable Open-mouthed smile.


Friday, May 27, 2016

Consall Forge to Froghall Basin.

This morning we set off from Consall Forge for the final leg to Froghall. Passing alongside Consall Forge railway station.


We descended Flint Mill lock, but Hadar was too high for the height gauge immediately below the lock to gauge clearance for Froghall tunnel. This gauge is important for boats over 65ft long, as the winding hole above the lock is the last full length one. We refilled the lock and reversed out to allow a boat below to come up. We moored up temporarily and shifted some coal forward in the hold. We descended the lock again, and she still didn’t clear the gauge, but was close so we carried on to the tunnel and I tested against the gauge at the tunnel which was a bit of guess work as the crucial for us middle section of the gauge was missing, but I decided we needed to move some more coal. Having moved some more, I tried again and was still not happy, so we moved some more. On the 3rd attempt I decided it was possible, so went for it!


I am in the tunnel, but you can’t see I was actually in my knees and steering through!!


Having successfully negotiated the tunnel without leaving any paint work inside it, turning into the basin lock.


Manoeuvring in the basin into the finger pontoons.


Moored safely in Froghall basin.


Having moved the coal forward in the hold to being the bow down, the stern has come up by 2”"inches! Cavitating well !!



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cheddleton Station to Consall Forge

Another short run this morning to Consall Forge, we initially moored near the water point, but as the mooring in front of the Black Lion, we moved onto it for the classic photo at Consall Forge.


We had a walk around before lunch, the lime kilns.


Consall station as seen from the railway crossing in front of the Black Lion.


Consall station with the waiting room and platform that jut out over the canal.


Consall main station building.


The railway bridge crossing the canal between the Black Lion and Consall station.


The Black Lion, there is no road access to this pub for deliveries! We had a pint each before lunch.


After lunch we walked up “Devil’s Staircase” behind the Black Lion, these are just a few of the 198 steps!


Big day tomorrow, we will attempt to get through the very low Froghall tunnel. Keith.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Denford to Cheddleton Railway Station.

Definite chill to the air this morning as we took a short trip to Cheddleton Mill and a brief stop to look around the mill site.


We then carried on.


We are now moored between Cheddleton Railway Station and the Boat Inn.


After lunch we took a look around Cheddleton station, it’s group of railway sheds, locos and rolling stock stored here.


This saddle tank engine was in operation in 2005, in fact we rode behind it on our trip on the line. It needs a lot of work to get it running again.


Hopefully we may see this steam engine running over the bank holiday weekend.

